Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

No One Will Remember Your Failures; Everyone Will Remember Your Success

No one will remember your failures, but everyone will remember your success. If they do bring up your failures and not your successes, question the value they bring into your world and move forward.

We live in a time when disruption is happening to us or it can happen because of us. Sometimes the past holds us back and sometimes we let fear undermine our ideal future. But, this is the time to change the future. Think about it…what would your future self tell you today?  I believe that now’s the time to question everything. As such, rules can be broken giving way for iteration to evolve into innovation.

Truth is that we don’t talk enough about digital Darwinism. Society and technology continues to evolve and accelerate. It impacts customer and employee behavior, expectations and customs as a result.  We either #adaptordie.  The lesson here is that if you are not going to disrupt your business model, it is going to be disrupted for you. And the good news is that digital Darwinism favors those who try.

The NextWeb revisits Brian Solis’ keynote in Amsterdam

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11 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “No One Will Remember Your Failures; Everyone Will Remember Your Success”

  1. Robin S says:

    I know Mama is very proud of you.

  2. JCGiraldo says:

    My dear fellow, every day I learn a lot from you, I am thinking write a post ( spanish ) about Disrupting Tech and Darwinism. Gracias.

  3. Johanna says:

    *slow clap. I wanted to get up and cheer after watching that video. My company is currently inviting all of it’s employees to participate in a web based learning experience on the topic of innovation in hopes that we come out with some game-changing ideas. A lot isn’t broken here and we are being driven by a higher purpose to come together to be number one in our industry. Thank you for posting this when you did, it’s all so relevant to what we are experiencing now.

  4. Moad Rgeyi says:

    Thanks for another dose of inspiration Brian!

  5. Robert Betts says:

    Hilarious that i had that Ford quote on my desktop when we met last week. Real or not, the concept of listening to the inspired experts rather than your customers can be a useful tool for inspiring bold decisions from timid clients. Relying on focus groups and customer feedback to plan product development does squelch innovation in my personal experience. Great talk as usual Brian. See ya soon.

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