Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

ContextMatters Episode 1: Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and Why “Women Shouldn’t Code”


I’m proud to introduce you to “Context Matters,” a new podcast hosted by my good friend Chris Saad and yours truly. This is a long time in the making and we finally committed to this series as a long-term program.

Context Matters explores discussions at the intersection of business, technology and culture. My co-host, Chris Saad (@ChrisSaad) is a geek at heart and a long-time player in the startup community. Saad the co-founder of The Echo Experience Studio and spends his time building products, ecosystems, standards. He also starts and advises many startups.

Our premier episode tackles some very timely and in some cases sensitive subjects including Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and why  “Women Shouldn’t Code.” Before you react to the last part, take a listen. It’s in quotes because it’s in reference to a headline of a controversial article we discuss.

Episode 1 Table of Contents:

Topic 1: Uber is evolving its pitch to “Job creator” and “Environmental champion”

Context: ReCode and BusinessInsider

Topic 2: Microsoft announces HoloLens. How does it compare and contrast with Google Glass and Oculus Rift? Where will this kind of technology go?

Context: The Verge

Topic 3: Why Women Should Code

Context:Women Shouldn’t Code” – At least according to Francine Hardaway (Note: It doesn’t play out like the headline suggests) and Rebuttal by Kelly Ellis

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