Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: contextmatters

SXSW Jumps the Shark (Again?), The Meerkat Craze and Twitter’s Questionable Developer Relations – ContextMatters #6

SXSW Jumps the Shark (Again?), The Meerkat Craze and Twitter’s Questionable Developer Relations – ContextMatters #6

Jumping the Shark Has Jumped the Shark SXSW is a special event. It is what you make it and what you allow it to be. And, that’s what makes it both personal and serendipitous. That doesn’t stop people from asking every year whether or not SXSW has jumped the shark. Did you know that jumping the shark was a Happy Days reference? Chris and I talk about why SXSW is important and we speak to attendees about why they travel…

Facebook’s Suicide Prevention, Cocaine Fueled Startups and Silicon Valley as the Hub of Innovation? – ContextMatters #5

Facebook’s Suicide Prevention System Social media bullying is an unfortunate reality. The heart-breaking cases of suicides are frequently in the news these days. At the same time, social media is serving as a new window into our ourselves, our emotions, our states of mind and being. Sometimes, expressions indicate intentions, actions are reflect signs of help. Facebook introduced a new suicide prevention feature, but is it enough? With social media comes great responsibility…and that takes technology and human engagement. Cocaine…

Medium vs. Twitter and The Tech War in San Francisco – ContextMatters Episode 4

Medium vs. Twitter and The Tech War in San Francisco – ContextMatters Episode 4

Medium vs. Twitter Have you used Medium the >140 version of Twitter? During the early days of social media, platforms such as WordPress and Blogger offered technology and networks to anyone with something to say. Over the years, blogging would give rise to a new generation of authoritative, engaging and entertaining voices that might not otherwise found their stage. At the same time, new social channels would emerge that would introduce a subtler more rapid form of publishing that focused…

ContextMatters Episode 3: Brian Williams, The Future of Social Media + The Anti-Vaccine Movement

ContextMatters Episode 3: Brian Williams, The Future of Social Media + The Anti-Vaccine Movement

Three weeks in and three episodes are now online. Chris Saad and I really got into these topics in the latest episode of ContextMatters. There are parts that are charged and definitely NSFW. We stray a bit away from tech to tackle timely subjects related to journalism and the future of social media as well as the hotly debated topic of vaccinations. Schedule Topic 1: First up is Brian Williams and the controversy surrounding his news coverage in Iraq. We…

ContextMatters Episode 1: Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and Why “Women Shouldn’t Code”

ContextMatters Episode 1: Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and Why “Women Shouldn’t Code”

I’m proud to introduce you to “Context Matters,” a new podcast hosted by my good friend Chris Saad and yours truly. This is a long time in the making and we finally committed to this series as a long-term program. Context Matters explores discussions at the intersection of business, technology and culture. My co-host, Chris Saad (@ChrisSaad) is a geek at heart and a long-time player in the startup community. Saad the co-founder of The Echo Experience Studio and spends…