Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

It’s Time to Engage: Please Help Share the News

I can’t believe the day is finally here. In fact, it’s here earlier than planned.

Please join me in celebrating the official release of Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web

Social media has democratized influence, forever changing the way businesses communicate with customers and the way customers affect the decisions of their peers. With platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, anyone can now find and connect with others who share similar interests, challenges, and beliefs—creating communities that shape and steer the perception of brands. Without engagement in these communities, we miss major opportunities to shape our stories.

However, use of the tools does not guarantee that people will listen. Engagement is shaped by the interpretation of its intentions. In order for social media to mutually benefit you and your influencers and ultimately customers, you must engage them in meaningful and advantageous conversations, empowering them as true participants in your marketing, branding, and service efforts…this is true whether it’s B2B, B2C, government, non profit, education, etc.

With Engage as your guide, you can effectively compete in this new era of digital Darwinism while engendering the support of online champions. Social and participatory media significantly contribute to the success of every modern business, and with this book, you will find out how to:

Create a space in the online ecosystem that truly represents your business and cultivates your customers’ loyalty and trust

Participate in the unique culture of each available social media platform to engage your customers

Establish an organizational structure that constantly targets the next new media trend

Attract online champions and change agents who will uncover the social networks you need to reach and the influencers who will help build your reputation in the networked world

Consistently adapt your company to market needs and trends based on the invaluable connections you forge and the empathy and insight you garner in the process

There are thousands of customers waiting to hear from you about your business and vision. It’s the minimum ante to create a vibrant and loyal online community. When you engage, you will build an authoritative social network that increases your visibility, relevance, influence, and profitability. It’s time to Engage!

If it’s one thing that I ask, it’s that you please help me share this news with those around you.

This book and all that’s in it, was written with passion and dedication over the last year to address the issues that have now become paramount to the success of social media within businesses and industries of all shapes and sizes. I wrote this book for you…and it would mean everything to me, if you could join me in leading a new, more meaningful era of socialized media and engagement.

Order now from (click on your favorite outlet):

Connect with Brian Solis: TwitterLinkedIn – Tumblr – Google BuzzFacebook

455 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “It’s Time to Engage: Please Help Share the News”

  1. Radu Panciuc says:

    Just shared the news 🙂 If 1-2 companies from every field start engaging, then it's a matter of time till this goes viral. The most important thing in that process is to know how to do it right.

  2. The day is here. Can't wait to read it. Good luck Brian!!

  3. Akash Sharma says:

    I am sure it's going to be one of the best books on the changing phase of business.So I'll let my friends ENGAGE with the book by sharing this post…..

  4. Excellent- ordered my copy and excited to dive into it! Keep up the great work Brian

  5. John Paul says:

    Congrats on the release. Sharing the news as I write 🙂 Good Luck!

  6. How exiting to see those boxes!….Congratulations Brian…Can hardly wait to put my hands on one…

  7. shared the news today- just ordered the book from Amazon-looking dorward to read it

  8. Great message. I think this is the biggest turn in modern marketing. It transcends what form of marketing a person or company does. Allowing everyone to play, to have a say, is the joy of new age marketing.

  9. Hi Brian,
    I just saw you at the Ragan Communications Social Media for Communicators conference in Atlanta. The first thing I did when I got back to my desk was ordered your book from Amazon. I can't wait to read it. Your presentation at the conference was filled with so much useful and relevant information. I truly believe this book and the things I learned at the conference are going to make me indespensible to my organization. Thank you!

  10. Congrats Brian. Looking forward to reading it. I have heard (from our shared publisher) it's awesome.

  11. InsuranceNick says:

    Congrats on the new book Brian, hoping the wintry weather doesn't delay my Amazon delivery so I can have some weekend reading.

    Firstly, “Putting the Public Back in Public Relations” should be required reading for anyone taking a PR 101 (or 201) class, it's history, case studies, tools and strategy to make everything work together.

    Without an official accreditation for social media/networking professionals, absorbing knowledge from thought leaders is the best education we can give ourselves. Looking forward to “Engage.”

  12. Posted to FB with a 5-star recommendation. Congratulations. And thanks for sharing your brain with us!

  13. lauriecreasy says:

    Congratulations, Brian! Great presentation at Ragan!

  14. Mike Walsh says:

    congrats buddy – I can't wait to read it!

  15. dougmcisaac says:

    Congratulations Brian! Heading over to my local Borders to see if they have it on the shelf. It will be good reading for the weekend.


  16. sloaneberrent says:

    Congrats! Can't wait to get a copy and have you sign it at SXSW!

  17. Yes it is about time!

    Thanks a ton Brian, am picking it up right now! So excited!

    Look forward to sharing it with the companies and individuals I am working with about the importance of engaging with their consumers through social and participatory media.

    Will throw up a review both on Amazon and Life Destiny when I am through.


  18. WillSaint says:

    I'm excited to give Engage a read Brian! I wish you much success with it!

  19. Shashib says:

    Congrats ! Brian. I am looking forward to getting the book I ordered soon and will review it

  20. Congratulations! Exciting news indeed.

  21. This read has quickly risen to the top of queue — can't wait to engage!

  22. Andro says:

    Congratulations, I relayed the news and buy the book !

  23. Dara Bell says:

    Your output is phenomenal, you are born to do this. I thought it was only a few months I saw you being sharked by Gary Vaynerchuk launching Putting The Public Into Public Relations. Hope this launch goes even better and Gary returns the favour buying some copies. Will look out for it in UK shops.

  24. netaffinity says:

    Congratuations Brian, I've had my copy on advance purchase from Amazon for some time now. Really looking forward to the read as I'm a big fan of your articles. Warmest Regards, William.

  25. Did a “my social media factory line” post. I did like the title, and have put it in my Amazon Cart. This “engagement” thing is whats move people. Interesting to see if you´ve got it. Good luck!

  26. Hi Brian,
    Your sharing the news campaign is definitely working. I got a recommendation so I got curious and voila.. I am here (all the way from The Netherlands;) Will surely check out ENGAGE! Being a photographer & marketeer and a very visual guy I would like to compliment you on your cover. I find it very..ehm..engaging! If I would stroll around a bookshop it would surely catch my eye.
    And ofcourse I shared it on my Facebook page….

  27. Hetal Shah says:

    Not out in the UK till 2nd week of March! 🙁
    Can't wait!

  28. Hetal Shah says:

    Oh yes! And shared the news! Lets Engage….

  29. Brian- can't WAIT to crack open this book- congratulations and good luck- anything I can do from here in Boston, just let me know, ok?. Book Tour? I have a good venue for you, just let me know if/when you come to Boston and I can help coordinate…

  30. robingandhi says:

    Congrats Brian! Looking forward to getting into the book and reading it. This is definitely the type of book that people are looking for as engagement and customer analytics become a part of a larger part of the way organizations conduct their business and learn about what is going to drive their bottom line.

  31. slobotski says:

    Congrats Brian! Awesome news and can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

    Keep up the great work and look forward to chatting in Austin!

  32. davidcarroll says:


    Truly a great topic. The ability is engage with people is really the most important in this world where people are getting bombarded with junk and nonsense. There are people charging hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the information in this book.

  33. beverlyhunt says:

    can't wait to check this out. i've been learning a lot from you!

  34. Congratulations on the release of your new book, Brian. I'm sure it will be filled with useful information and advice. But, I will have to wait until I've read it before I can promote it to others. I believe my twitter followers and group members (LinkedUp Grand Rapids – 4,100+ members) would expect me to know what I'm recommending before I do so.

  35. Hello Brian

    Silicon beach training here, we are active Social Media engagers and know how powerful it can be – if you would like to send a little summery over to us we'll add a link to your book and put it up on our blog.


  36. Luke Kempski says:

    Is there an audiobook in the plans?

  37. Tim Goleman says:

    I got the book at the Atlanta Tweet up and am looking forward to reading it. So far it's a good read.

  38. Jeroen says:

    Never heard from you before (just noticed a retweet) but you're book looks interesting so I orded it. Greetings from the Netherlands. Jeroen

  39. cyuskoff says:

    Congratulations, Brian. I tweeted the good news to my personal community, as well as the OC Advertising Federation community (@OCAdfed), which will find your book very useful.

  40. can't wait to get it too. i just told some of my friends about it. good luck

  41. clairecelsi says:

    Congratulations, Brian! Way to go. I plan to buy it and use it to further my knowledge. By the way, I appreciated your email and don't mind receiving news that way at all!

  42. I ordered it on Amazon bud

  43. Lee Doyle says:

    Congrats, Brian I'm ordering it, now.

  44. Got the book last week and love it. I'm using it as a primary resource for a breakout session on SM at the upcoming Large Church Initiative Conference in San Antonio.
    Thanks for sharing your expertise and wisdom.

  45. paulegenest says:

    How I wish we could engage in a conference here in Montréal, Canada.
    I am an APR and would love to discuss this opportunity with you and bring forward your point of view in front of an audience.
    My question, as everyone seems to become a media how can we best play our strategic role in this complex and ever changing communication world ? The nature of our professionnal services can no longer be billed the same way, time sheets no longer make sense as our clients work with a sense of daily emergency…

    After «putting back publics in public relations» I can only Engage !

    Many thanks in advance for your answer and your inspiration.

    Paule Genest, APR
    Montréal, Québec, Canada

  46. nataliaG says:

    Nice article!
    I've recently created a webcast on how to get your business on the Net and advising a simple strategy for it:

  47. Divya Kapoor says:

    Fantastic blog! I think in the entire process of social media plan (which includes listen, prepare, participate, engage and mesaure and evaluate) engaging the audience is the most challenging since it involves continous innovation. Businesses need to think and come up with different strategies and tactics time and again to keep their audience engaged in conversations and retain their interest. I also feel it is vital for brands to adopt a human personality while engaging with the audience, after all, social media is a platform to build relationships and not merely a tool for selling a product or a service. In my webcast, 'social media and public relations' I tried to explain how to develop a social media plan (engaging the audience is a part of the process) and what factors PR practitioners need to keep in mind before they formulate social media strategies. Feel free to have a look and any feedback would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

  48. randyjames says:

    I can't wait to read it! I think that mastering that area could take any business to the next level.
    It should be part of every marketing and customer service strategy!

  49. seaso says:

    So sorry, this is a test for posting comment in PIMShell.

  50. B Davis21 says:

    I am a new author, Please read my book ‘My Little Secrets’ author Belinda Davis, Please let me know how you like it! My E-mail My book is about the south and I know it will make a great movie! Thank you so much for your time Belinda!

  51. B Davis21 says:

    I am a new author, Please read my book ‘My Little Secrets’ author Belinda Davis, Please let me know how you like it! My E-mail My book is about the south and I know it will make a great movie! Thank you so much for your time Belinda!

  52. Anonymous says:

    Is this book available also in Italian? Or will it be? I’d love to read it, but I don’t know if I can fully understand it in English!


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