Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow Me to Introduce

Welcome to the Bubble

Sung to Guns and Roses “Welcome to the Jungle”

Welcome to the bubble
We’ve got fun and games
We got everything you want,
and we know the names
We are the people that can find whoever you may need
If you got the ruby honey,
We got your VCs
In the bubble, Welcome to the bubble
watch it bring you to your na na na na na na na na knees, knees

We wanna watch you succeed

Aside from economic factors that point to the current tech economy as merely a spike instead of a bubble, we choose to focus on the emergence of a new social economy, which is driving tech and creating enthusiasm in the valley once again.

Welcome to!

The bubble is back baby with 2.0 times the grandeur and fun – with a little dash of humility thrown in for good measure.

After attending an overwhelming series of parties, events, and conferences, a group of dedicated professionals and talented writers decided to band together to cover the rapidly inflating bubble of events, startups, and ultimately (and hopefully) the Silicon Valley economy. is here to help capture the excitement behind everything two point oh – especially the party and event scenes in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. No panels, no keynotes, no tradeshows, just a lens into the social scene that’s energizing and shaping Bubble 2.0 and the new Valley economy behind it.

Who are the people behind the scenes…?

Stowe Boyd, BlueWhale Labs and /Message

Greg Narain BlueWhale Labs and SocialRoots

Joanne Wan, entrepreneur, first hire at STIRR

Julie Blaustein, Photo Bucket


We’ll also have the pleasure of running contributions from special guests along the way.

Keep on your party list and send info on your events. We might just send someone out there to cover the soiree.

Contact at and keep an eye out for “bubblicious” on


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