Industry publication Reseller News recently did an overview of their annual Partner Breakfasts, which bring together business leaders looking to bring digital transformation to life in their organizations, citing Brian Solis’ report with Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute on the subject.
CoMarketing News: Influence Marketing is Still Far From Mature…
French marketing publication CoMarketing News recently did an article on the still relatively young state of influence marketing, citing Brian Solis’ “Influence 2.0” study he did for Altimeter.
News: Twitter Changes Updates to Tweets
In the grand scheme of things, this news seems a bit insignificant in light of other current events However, it is significant in the world of Social Media. As mainstream audiences embrace new media, every subtle nuance introduced from here on out reverberates across the social landscapes that define, shape, and dictate its evolution and its pace of adoption. Today, Twitter changed its “update” button to a verb that will only gain in prominence, “Tweet.” Thanks to good friend @Orli…
Facebook Top Trends of 2009
Contrary to popular belief, Twitter wasn’t the only story of 2009. Facebook skyrocketed to over 350 millions users in 2009 and continued its rise to global pervasiveness becoming one of the top visited sites on the Web. As aspiring digital anthropologists and sociologists, we thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the trending topics readily available for review and analysis on Twitter. On Twitter, trends are defined and shaped by the shared interests published in the form of status updates that suddenly congregate…
The Battle for Your Social Status: Facebook Builds Network Around Your Activity
Shot at the F8 conference in San Francisco Recently, we discussed the evolution of Twitter and also FriendFeed as they mature into fully interactive conversation ecosystems. In social media, you’ll most often hear references to the proverbial “conversation” that fuels the dynamic, two-way Web and earns those individuals and brands that invest in it wisely, increased social capital and authority. Facebook issued a significant announcement that may solidify its platform as the primary dashboard for sharing, responding, and listening to…