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The Battle for Your Social Status: Facebook Builds Network Around Your Activity

Shot at the F8 conference in San Francisco

Recently, we discussed the evolution of Twitter and also FriendFeed as they mature into fully interactive conversation ecosystems.

In social media, you’ll most often hear references to the proverbial “conversation” that fuels the dynamic, two-way Web and earns those individuals and brands that invest in it wisely, increased social capital and authority.

Facebook issued a significant announcement that may solidify its platform as the primary dashboard for sharing, responding, and listening to those who comprise your social graph, regardless of network.

“We’re launching several new APIs for Facebook Platform today. These new interfaces open up access to the content and methods for sharing through several Facebook Applications — including Facebook Status, Notes, Links (what we used to call Posted Items), and Video. Specifically, your applications can now directly access all of a user’s status, links, and notes via new methods and FQL calls. Your application will have access to any status, notes, or links from the active user or their friends that are currently visible to the active user. In addition, we’re opening new APIs for you to post links, create notes, or upload videos for the current user, and we’ve made setting a user’s status easier. “

The status update is paramount to social networks. It is the purest and simplest gesture that invites related dialog and in turn, spreads the conversation from the individual social graph to the respective graphs of those who follow each respondent.

By opening up the API for Facebook Status, developers will create a statusphere (new term) not unlike the vibrant Twitterverse that has propelled Twitter not only into the spotlight, but also changed how millions of people, brands, and media properties communicate with others. When combined with Facebook Connect, other communities that foster and feature conversations based on the activity and shared updates of its community may need to think how Facebook’s new and “open” interaction model affects their culture and opportunity.

For those who aren’t yet familiar with Facebook Connect, it is a technical bridge that grants access to partner communities using your Facebook profile/identity. Not only can you log in using one ID, it also sends the associated activity from each respective network back to your activity feed within Facebook for review and commentary from those within your social graph and the corresponding network of your contacts.

Many speculate that as a destination, not Twitter itself, might suffer as a result of Facebook’s progression. Others believe that this spells doom and gloom.

Currently, most discussions on Twitter are fragmented, and while true to its original intent and design, users, and their respective habits and ensuing behavior, are thirsting for something more… After all, the most common complaint from those who truly engage in conversations on Twitter have begged Evan Williams and co. to facilitate threaded dialog directly within Twitter itself – not through a third party app. Facebook and FriendFeed believe this is future of micro communication and already offer threaded discussions.

Alas, Twitter’s greatest asset is also the very fuel for Facebook’s “open” News Feed – its passionate user base. However, Twitter’s unique and untainted culture will thrive and prosper – although its growth factor may be humbled a bit. Twitter’s not going anywhere any time soon though. It will continue to grow and transform interpersonal dialog, attracting hordes of new tweeters in the process. It’s not just a network, it’s becoming a way of life.

It’s not just about where you communicate it’s also about where your friends, associates as well as those whom inspire you interact.

But for Facebook, the release of an API for Status will also grow and incite activity within its already burgeoning network. And, it may represent more of a threat to FriendFeed – in essence, a rich community and associated ecosystem that represented what Facebook should have been all along.

Keep an eye out for interesting applications that initially mimic many applications currently available for Twitter. Facebook will certainly spark a more extensive and remarkable ecosystem with your “status” at the center of the experience.

Other notable dialog on the subject:

Fred Wilson
Nick O’Neill
Eric Eldon
Don Dodge
Marc Canter
Mike Butcher

Related Posts on PR 2.0:

How Dell Deals with Twitter
Need a Dictionary for Twitter?
Introducing MicroPR, A Resource for Journalists, Analysts, & Bloggers on Twitter
Twitter Tools for Communication and Community Professionals
Is Twitter a Viable Conversation Platform
Is FriendFeed the Next Conversation Platform
State of the Twittersphere
Facebook is the Hub for Your Personal Brand

10 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “The Battle for Your Social Status: Facebook Builds Network Around Your Activity”

  1. tericee says:

    That’s all well and good, but will they stop disabling accounts without explanation? If not, people are going to get very tired of Facebook very quickly.

  2. Joni Mueller says:

    Hmm. About this observation: “Facebook will certainly spark a more extensive and remarkable ecosystem with your “status” at the center of the experience.” What if I already use the Twitter App on Facebook to post my status? In other words, my Twitter updates are my FB status. Ironic, perhaps?

  3. Brian Solis says:

    Joni, good observation. That’s the why this is so significant. They’re already hosting dialog around your Twitter updates in Facebook. Now they’re going to allow developers to build new functionality around aggregated feeds from Twitter, flickr, youtube, blogs, comments, and hundreds of other supported networks…

  4. Brian Solis says:

    Tericee…yes, interesting. I’m hearing of more cases like this.

  5. Harold Cabezas says:

    LOL….I, too, was in fb exile. It is not nice, it is a place similar to Purgatory….I would get updates to my email/mobile, then try to connect into the network and every time I would change pages in the network it would log me out. It was maddening. Tericee has a great point, if they continue that when the next great social network arrives OR evolves this will undoubtedly affect them, people would emigrate in droves.

    Thanks, Brian, tremendous summary as always!!

  6. AngelaAtHP says:

    Brian: Thanks for the report and insight. Good stuff.

  7. Kathryn says:

    Personally I find having a conversation on twitter frustrating and even more frustrating are the myriad of twitter apps to go along with it.I don’t want to use a tool that’s dependent on so many other apps to make it useful. If Facebook is going to aggregate all these “conversations” might it not be the place to “go” instead?

    Love the new term. And yes, I’m saying thanks for the great post, because I mean it and I do.

  8. Maddie Grant says:

    On the other hand, FB is inherently complicated and just keep adding layers of complicated, whereas Twitter is inherently simple and individuals just add features on using external apps. If a problem (eg “how do I engage in the social space?) can still be solved with “the simplest solution that could possibly work”… then Twitter has much more to offer (paradoxically).

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