Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: feed

Facebook Swims Its Way into Your Lifestream: What the Facebook news means to you

Shot at Mark Zuckerberg’s 2008 F8 keynote This week Facebook hosted a blogstar-studded event to introduce a more people-focused platform for interacting around your Facebook statusphere in “Twitter time.” Let’s review what this news means to you as a user and as a new media enthusiast. After Facebook’s failed attempt at acquiring Twitter, the company seems to be on a b-line to unite people in an online social graph while connecting them through a dynamic and rapid fire conversation and…

The Battle for Your Social Status: Facebook Builds Network Around Your Activity

Shot at the F8 conference in San Francisco Recently, we discussed the evolution of Twitter and also FriendFeed as they mature into fully interactive conversation ecosystems. In social media, you’ll most often hear references to the proverbial “conversation” that fuels the dynamic, two-way Web and earns those individuals and brands that invest in it wisely, increased social capital and authority. Facebook issued a significant announcement that may solidify its platform as the primary dashboard for sharing, responding, and listening to…

Facebook’s Attempt to Acquire Twitter = Fail Whale

Mark Zuckerberg at Web 2.0 Expo Evan Williams at TechCrunch50 Kara Swisher has written a tremendous post on Facebook’s quiet attempt at acquiring Twitter. It inspired me to share my thoughts on the subject. During the Web 2.0 Summit, John Batelle interviewed Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg, and if you listened closely enough, it was clear that Batelle was prodding Zuckerberg to validate the rumors that Facebook was exploring the possibility of acquiring Twitter. With a teasing smile, Zuckerberg described Twitter…

Distributed Conversations and Fragmented Attention

There’s an incredible discussion circling the blogosphere aka The 250 aka The Echo Chamber regarding distributed conversations and the potential loss of control of our content. Normally I don’t let myself get caught up in every popular meme cycle, but this is a informative and important conversation and personally I think it’s worth your time. And, it just so happens to be a natural extension to my recent post, “Ladies and Gentlemen, The Conversation Has Left the Building,” which explores…

TwitterLocal Connects You to Local Voices

Twitter tools and services are hitting the market faster than they can be acquired, but that’s just a given for one of the hottest social tools to hit the Web. Introducing TwitterLocal, an interesting new Twitter service brought to you by Matt King. TwitterLocal essentially allows you to focus on Twitter voices within a specific region (from 1 to 50 miles around any given zip code or city). It generates a URL and RSS or XML feeds to filter geographically…