Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: speaker

Brian Solis Named as Top Futurist Speaker to Have at Your Conference in 2021

Brian Solis Named as Top Futurist Speaker to Have at Your Conference in 2021

ReadWrite’s Brad Anderson published a list of top futurist speakers for 2021, naming Brian Solis in the list. Brian Solis is the Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce where he focuses on thought leadership and research into digital transformation, innovation and disruption, and the cognitive enterprise. Solis is also the creator of “Lifescaling,” a model for living a creative digital life without diversions, focused on what’s important and making the most of the possibilities that technology offers.  

Keynote: Empathy, Creativity and Imagination are Critical, Soft Skillsets Needed in the Future of Advertising and Marketing

Keynote: Empathy, Creativity and Imagination are Critical, Soft Skillsets Needed in the Future of Advertising and Marketing

Brian Solis keynoted “Creativity4Better” for the International Advertising Association. His topic focused on the importance of new creativity and how to reimagine the future of brands as a result of pandemic disruption. His session seemed to be well received. “On behalf of IAA, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your presence and involvement. The content was just amazing. You were inspiring and relevant. All the comments were fabulous. The audience was thrilled by your presentation, and the…

Brian Solis Named Among the 20 Top Virtual Keynote Speakers

Brian Solis Named Among the 20 Top Virtual Keynote Speakers

Brian Solis ranked #2 on the list of “Top Virtual Keynote Speakers You’ll Ever Hear” via ReadWrite. If you were organizing an event for your company and don’t know how to continue, contact a virtual keynote speaker. With modern technology, video conference calls are easy to set up and can be done remotely if necessary, with all of the same benefits. Brian Solis Few people understand the impact that technology has had on business and society more than Brian Solis….

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

We live in an era of #DigitalDarwinism. These are disruptive times and they challenge everyone…leaders and executives…employees, customers, and partners…and, you and me. AI, Crypto, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, AR/VR, facial recognition, wearables, IoT/IIoT, 5G, automation and 20 other disruptive technologies will only continue to change everything as we know it. Digital transformation, innovation, and new leadership are needed to survive and thrive. The future either happens to us or because of us. I’ve spent my entire career as a digital…

IEEE Industry Executives Event Features Keynote Speaker Brian Solis

IEEE Industry Executives Event Features Keynote Speaker Brian Solis

IEEE is convening an exclusive industry executives event, bringing together technology and industry leaders to discuss technological challenges the world is facing. IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization, is bringing together some of the world’s foremost leaders in the tech world for an intimate networking dinner, to discuss some of the pressing technological challenges the world is facing. Brian is so excited to share his ideas and research with the prestigious IEEE leadership community.

Readwrite Names Brian Solis as a ‘The Top Futurist Speakers To Have At Your Conference’

Readwrite Names Brian Solis as a ‘The Top Futurist Speakers To Have At Your Conference’

In an article on Readwrite by Brett Anderson, Solis is named as one of the 50 Best Futurists that speak at significant tech events.  Anderson writes, “No one knows precisely what the future will bring, but some people seem to have their finger on the pulse of tomorrow more than others. These individuals’ ability to see what’s coming next makes them high-demand for tech conferences and events all over the world. Futurist speakers keep their eye on technology, stay ahead…

An Honest Review: Bose Frames, Bose Sleepbuds and Bose Soundwear Companion

An Honest Review: Bose Frames, Bose Sleepbuds and Bose Soundwear Companion

Every now and then, I dust off my tech chops to review products that add value to my world. In this case, it’s three unique Bose products purchased independently to meet the needs of three distinct (and unforeseen) scenarios. I explain in the video. Bose Frames 🕶️ (sunglasses with built-in speakers). Bose Sleepbuds 🎧 (noise-masking in-ear sleep aids). Bose Soundwear Companion 🔊 (wearable neck speakers). p.s. the electric scooter I mention as a catalyst for the Bose Frames purchase is…

Evolving customer behavior gives retailers insight into innovation priorities

Evolving customer behavior gives retailers insight into innovation priorities

“Innovation starts with understanding who people are becoming, because in there are the insights into how they shop and why.” – Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to present my vision for retail innovation and shopper experience at “The Summit” hosted by AT&T in Dallas. Following the event, the AT&T Editorial Team, published a written summary and also a video highlight reel of my talk. I wanted to share them with…

We keep talking about Millennials and Centennials, let’s just talk about human beings first and go from there

We keep talking about Millennials and Centennials, let’s just talk about human beings first and go from there

It’s my job to study how people, you and me, are changing as a result of our relationship with technology. It’s also my job to then reverse-engineer those insights into opportunities for innovation. There are immediate areas of where human-centered design can solve problems you are facing right now. There are many more areas where human-centered innovation and iteration can help you create competitive and critical opportunities for the future. Everything from customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) to…

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