Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: society

Lifescale and the Digital Transformation of Society and Business

Lifescale and the Digital Transformation of Society and Business

Supporting his thesis that beyond the IT deployments across large organizations, it’s the “digital transformation of society that is really creating change,” Ross Quintana draws numerous examples from Solis’ book Lifescale. Quintana writes, “When I looked at the principles of his book I quickly saw the connection to all the stakeholders.” Illustrating his point that “technology is the problem and the answer,” the author mentions that Solis talks in his book about the impact that distraction is having on us…

Social Media is a Human Network: We Have the Power of Choice in What We Consume, What We Share and Who We Engage

Social Media is a Human Network: We Have the Power of Choice in What We Consume, What We Share and Who We Engage

The good thing about social media, is that it gave us a voice. The bad thing about it, is that it gave us a voice. The path to saving it, making it valuable to not only ourselves, but for society at large, is in our control. The question is, what are you going to do differently moving forward? They say hindsight is 20/20. At some point, we will look at everything, recognize our missteps and ask, “why didn’t we see…

Silicon Valley Uncovered: The evolution of tech, media and its impact on society

Silicon Valley Uncovered: The evolution of tech, media and its impact on society

In 2010, my dear friend Hermione Way invited me as the first-ever guest on her then new show, “Silicon Valley Uncovered” for TheNextWeb. It aired on January 18th, 2011. I share this with you because the conversation, while several years old now, is strangely better suited for today and the modern times in which we live and work. I’m not even sure how I stumbled across this interview. To be honest, I’m taken aback by how prescient and philosophical this conversation…

We are now a society of multi-taskers and multi-screeners

We are now a society of multi-taskers and multi-screeners

We are a nation of multi-taskers. As you read this, you’re either doing something else, or this is the “something else” you’re doing while your work on other projects or relax in front of another device. Not only are we multi-taskers, we’re also multi-screeners. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, PC/laptop, TV or something other device, we’re consuming, creating, and curating content across multiple devices, often at the same time. It seems that we’re rewiring our brains simply by how we…

Culture Shock: Culture’s Impact on Social Marketing and Business

Guest post by Ekaterina Walter, a social media strategist at Intel. She was recently elected to serve on the Board of Directors of Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA). Follow her on Twitter Culture is one of the largest components of how we communicate: not just how we say something but how we choose the tools we use to get a message across. This is as true for social media as it was for the telegraph. For example, if you…

(R)evolution: Katie Couric on Fact-First Journalism and Digital Identity

We live in interesting times and among today’s catalysts spurring excitement and concern are social media…for it, as a movement, is a great equalizer. Now, here we are, challenged to rethink what we know and think we know in order to compete for relevance now and in the future. As we heard in Part 1 of (R)evolution, we are witnessing the impact of social media on journalism and understanding how news travels differently through social graphs. In Part 2 of…

This is Your Time to Make a Difference: Engage or Die

We live in amazing times. Perhaps what makes it so special is that the present is rewriting the future for so many things held sacred over the years. So many industries, processes, politics, beliefs and myths clouded or seized our responsibility and capacity to force innovation and ultimately the change that is needed and long overdue. At the root of this however, is what fuels evolution and revolution… #you You helped define social media. You helped democratize the ability to…

Facebook Connects 500 Million People: Defines a New Era of Digital Society

On July 22nd 2010, Facebook officially announced that it had surpassed 500 million users around the world. This significant achievement represents a significant milestone for Zuckerberg and Co. as well as for social networking and more importantly for global societies overall. To celebrate this achievement, Facebook released Facebook Stories, a new service to spotlight user stories from around the world and the impact Facebook has had on their lives. In Mark Zuckerberg’s words, “We’re launching a new application called Facebook…

140 Characters Conference; Exploring the Disruptive Nature of Twitter

Twitter represents a technology platform, sustaining ecosystem, and evangelical community that facilitate not only a behavioral transformation in how we communicate and define online relationships, but also represents a fundamental shift in how we listen, share, participate, and learn. For many, Twitter is the catalyst that is inspiring individuals and organizations to discover and observe the real-time conversations and activity that affect perception and influence action. While Social Media has existed well before Twitter, its innovative, instantly gratifying, and seductive…

The Ties that Bind Us – Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks

Credit Bernardo A. Huberman, Daniel M. Romero and Fang Wu of the Social Computing Laboratory at HP Labs conducted an in-depth study of the relationships that power Twitter. The team recently released its report, “Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope.” The abstract: Scholars, advertisers and political activists see massive online social networks as a representation of social interactions that can be used to study the propagation of ideas, social bond dynamics and viral marketing, among others. But the…

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