O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 conference will be in town and it will completely fly over the heads of those who are truly behind the new web and the real source behind the percolating enthusiasm in the Valley. Chris Heuer saw the opportunity to create an annual event specifically for those people who are already looking beyond “web 2.0.” Based on last year’s successful Web 2.1 “un conference,” this year’s Web 2.2 event will be held on November 9th and 10th in…
This Monday, 1 Afternoon, 2 Understand Social Media
Just a reminder that on Monday, 10/23, the Social Media Club is hosting its latest event, “From Social Media to Corporate Media.” I believe it’s almost sold out, so register asap. If you enter the code ‘IGETIT’ you’ll receive $50 off the ticket price. SM2CM will offer an interactive workshop for high tech communications professionals. It will be held in SAPs lavish conference center in Palo Alto from 1 to 6 p.m. This is one of the rare opportunities to…
From Social Media to Corporate Media, An interactive workshop for high tech communications professionals
Our news release regarding “From Social Media to Corporate Media” crossed PR Newswire this morning. The event is around the corner, so we hope to see you there! Here’s the release: PALO ALTO, CALIF. 10/17/06 â Social Media Club today announced its first workshop for high tech communications professionals. On October 23rd, From Social Media to Corporate Media (SM2CM), will offer an interactive workshop for high tech communications, PR, and advertising professionals to better understand Social Media. SM2CM will be…
October 2006 STIRR 1.7 Founder’s Mixer
I recently had the opportunity to sit down for lunch with Sanford Barr and Dan Arkind. Iâve also held a few conversations with Joanne Wan and Sean Ness to discuss STIRR. Their vision for STIRR is united as they bring together the people driving the new tech economy forward. STIRR is by far the industryâs biggest, concentrated, most powerful, must-attend tech mixer out there, and it is only continuing to grow. Why? Because they control the attendee registration – invitees,…
The Evolution of Press Releases – NewMediaRelease (NMR) Cast #8
I joined Chris Heuer and Shel Holtz for the latest edition of the NMRCast for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. NMRCast #8 is available online here. Participants: Chris Heuer, Brian Solis, Shel Holtz. Content summary: Chris provides an update of the working groupâs progress. We discuss the role of tags in the social media release. A discussion of Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartzâs letter to the SEC seeking approval for blogs to serve as a channel for material…
Practical Matters – The Evolution of Social Media Press Release
Todd Defren, principal of SHIFT and blogger at PR-Squared Thanks to Todd Defren over at PR-Squared for writing an in-depth post regarding, “The Evolution of Social Media Press Release Distribution and Technorati Tags.” It truly takes a social effort to enable social media. Tags: todd+defren, pr2.0, pr+2.0, socialmedia, social+media, smpr, pr, publicrelations, public+relations, briansolis, technorati, tags, socialmediaclub, socialmediarelease
1 Afternoon, 2 Understand Social Media â Palo Alto, 10/23
When I heard that Chris Heuer, Tom Foremski, and Giovanni Rodriguez wanted to put together a local event to help communications professionals âgetâ social media, I had to jump in. Like a group of banditos, weâre all out there running around trying to share the knowledge and benefits of social media and help escalate the overall value and perception of corporate communications in a web-driven world. Aside from individual blogs, clubs, working groups, and soapboxing, the team has organized an…
The Evolution of Social Media Press Release Distribution and Technorati Tags
As the future of Social Media Press Releases takes shape, it will take a community effort to keep it on track as well as encouraging mass adoption. As part of the Social Media Club along with Chris Heuer and many others, I’m surrounded by industry visionaries who are pushing the movement forward, while also broadening the overall industry opportunity for Social Media in online public relations. Weâve also recently formed a Working Group to help establish an industry standard for…
The Social Bookmarking Faceoff and its Effects on PR
Hats off to Paul over at StarkedSF for this tip. An interesting story ran over at Read / Write Web discussing the market of social bookmarking as well as comparing several leaders in the space – although it doesn’t seem to include RawSugar and FURL , among others. I’ve recently held discussions with Todd Defren , Shel Holtz , Chris Heuer, and Tom Foremski regarding social bookmarking, individually, as well as on the NMR “New Media Release” Cast, and how…
Social Media Club Forms Working Group to Develop New Standard for Press Release
On the heels of its official launch, Social Media Club (SMC) formed the Media Release Working Group to begin development of the hRelease , a new standard for modernizing the traditional press release for a Web-centric world. The Media Release Working Group will work closely with the Microformats community, while evaluating other technologies such as XPRL, XBRL, and NewsML to establish a standard way of organizing, tagging, distributing, and sharing âofficialâ organizational communications among blogs and other online communities. The…