…use some of it as a reference guide instead. I have to hand it to Chip Griffin. His recent post, “Throwing Out the Social Media Rulebook” is thought provoking to say the least. In his post, Griffin assertively proclaims, “I’m here to tell you that most of the rules are bunk, and we as an industry to ourselves a disservice by frightening off potential participants with absurd proclamations of the way things must be.” I like it. I agree with…
Experiments in Social Media – Part I
Jonathan Crow of ThinkFree recently conducted what he calls The Great Social Experiment where he tested and practiced the art of online social networking as a strategy for helping his company join the conversation across popular online communities and in turn, evaluate the business implications for doing so. Crow assembled a roundtable of those active in the Social Media landscape to offer feedback, commentary, constructive criticism, and advice for the good of all marketing. Those joining the conversation are Chris…
The Art and Science of Social Media and Community Relations
This post is in memory of Marc Orchant, an amazing friend, father, and geek, whom I will miss dearly. Marc was supposed to participate in this discussion. His unexpected passing has us all devastated. Our prayers and support are with his family. Social networking, and social media specifically, have been painted as the new marketing landscape for businesses to engage with their communities of customers wherever they congregate. In my view, we’re starting to hit a ceiling of discussion versus…
Twitter is a Conversation Hub, But It’s Only One of Many
Jeremiah Owyang has concluded that some conversations are moving to Twitter. He’s right. According to Owyang (who’s a good friend, so it’s strange to refer to him in the AP format), has experienced 2,000 referrers from twitter to his blog in last 30 days. Obviously, it’s a very popular topic as his comments have skyrocketed to over 200 and it’s not slowing down. Some conversations are also migrating to Facebook, Pownce, Jaiku, and across other social networks and micromedia communities….
Blog This! December 11, 2007
Social Media Starter Pack Chris Brogan is one of the most social media aware person I know. He doesn’t just theorize, he’s engaged. Learn from him. What Makes a Social Media “Expert”? Justin Kownacki ponders what makes a Social Media expert. Project da vinci Andy Lark announced Project da Vinci which has at it’s core the selection of WPP to create a global marketing agency for Dell. Facebook Not Understanding Opt-In is Like Universal Missing Digital Music Chris Heuer explores…
The Blog Council, Intentions vs. Execution
Behind these closed doors, a virtual council of big business marketers will meet to discuss how to best engage with people through blogs and all forms of social media. The Blog Council exists as a forum for executives to meet one another in a private, vendor-free environment and share tactics, offer advice based on past experience, and develop standards-based best practices as a model for other corporate blogs. Founding members include the leading companies from a diverse range of business…
Taking a Moment to Promote Now Is Gone
What a week! On 11/27, I joined Mike McGrath and Geoff Livingston on Digital Society, McGrath’s show on BlogTalkRadio, to discuss our book Now is Gone and the principles and strategies on how to use social media to engage your customers. Then it was off to the annual PRSA Media Predicts event at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. It was nice to catch up with old and new friends. I made sure to pass around Now Is Gone…
The New Rules of Breaking News, Beware of Embargoes
Part Four of a series discussing blogger relations, “Building a Bridge Between Your Story, Bloggers, and People.” Scroll to the bottom to read this article with a white background. The New Rules of Breaking News was written to open your mind and unlock creativity when introducing new products and services. It subscribes to the notion that there isn’t one “audience” to any given story or campaign. There are opportunities outside of the usual routine of drafting press releases and blasting…
The Art of Letting Go: Now Is Gone Podcast Series #3
On the heels of the official book release, Geoff Livingston and I continue our podcast series discussing the seven principles of community engagement uncovered in Now is Gone. Message control is the antithesis of social media, which enables people to communicate The video “The Break-Up” serves as the ideal example of this culture clash (just replace the word “Advertising” on his shirt with “Public Relations” and play along Companies will lose their customer relationships if they don’t learn how to…