Today I spent my day at the SocialMediaClub HQ working on the official announcement for the working group dedicated to developing a new, social media aware standard for press releases. This is exciting stuff and I really believe that this is the sign of many new things to come that will (and already is) fundementally changing the PR industry and its targets. Some of the most influential, smart, and visionary people are already on board, including: Chris Heuer, Social Media…
Social Media Leads the Way – Blogs as Important as Traditional Media
Social media is becoming pervasive and more importantly, extremely influential among the people buying products and solutions. According to a recent survey, and all the rage at the recent Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose, Outsell, a marketing research firm, recently interviewed 7,000 professionals in corporations, government, healthcare, and academia to find out: o How much time they spend searching and reading info for their job: 12 hours per week. o Where they search and read that info “The…
Snakes on a Mutha F*****g Plane is the New Blair Mutha F*****g Witch
The day has arrived! Seriously…Samuel L. Jackson lucked out on this one. From a marketer’s perspective, Snakes on a Plane (SoaP) is the new Blair Witch. Not because both are on the same plain field (heh), but both share a common channel for success. The power of the web has come down like the hand of god to save Samuel L. Jackson’s poor choice in movie roles. Whereas the success of the Blair Witch Project was spun out of people… to Build a Community for Social Media Professionals
I’m very excited to be part of this movement. The first event is tonight at 6 p.m. If you can make it, please RSVP. Event details: Social Media Club Meeting #1 Begins: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 at 6:00 PM Location: 857 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043 It’s official! (SMC) launched today for the purpose of elevating Social Media to a higher level of professionalism. The organization will bring together different groups of social media practitioners such as bloggers,…
Vocus Acquires PRWeb – PR 1.0 + PR 2.0 = New Media Relations
…well that’s until New Media Relations becomes PR and the next big thing becomes NMR. Today, Vocus announced that it acquired PRWeb. Now things are getting very interesting! Thanks to Jason Baptiste, co-founder of Weblogwire for sending along the information. Hey Jason, keep up the visibility and the PR for the PR! Maybe you’re next…. Vocus snagged PRWeb (an alternative news and information distribution service) for its proprietary SEO tools and team of specialized editors that deliver a unique level…