Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: mark+zuckerberg

AInsights: Meta’s Llama 3 LLM Redefines the Limits of Artificial Intelligence and Makes Meta One of the Leading AI Players

AInsights: Meta’s Llama 3 LLM Redefines the Limits of Artificial Intelligence and Makes Meta One of the Leading AI Players

Your AInsights: Executive-level insights on the latest in generative AI… Meta released its Llama 3 Large Language Model (LLM), serving as the foundation for Meta AI. Furthermore, Meta is making Llama 3 open source for other third-party developers to use, modify, and distribute for research and commercial purposes, without any licensing fees or restrictions. More on that in a bit. Meta AI serves as the AI engine for Messenger, Instagram, Facebook, as well as my go-to sunglasses created in partnership…

Trust in the Digital Age

Trust in the Digital Age

“We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Source What is trust? According to Merriam-Webster, it is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Yet go on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or pretty much any social network, with the exception of TikTok, on any given day, and you’ll see truth debated and facts disregarded among your own friends and family. Now, conspiracy theories, disinformation, #fakenews, bots, paid…

If you had one hour with Mark Zuckerberg, what would you ask? Here’s what I learned about the state and future of Facebook, data, politics and bad actors

If you had one hour with Mark Zuckerberg, what would you ask? Here’s what I learned about the state and future of Facebook, data, politics and bad actors

onstine In the wake of Cambridge Analytica, data misappropriation, #deletefacebook, calls for regulation and pending testimony to U.S. Congress, Facebook announced a series of initiatives to restrict data access and also a renewed selfie awareness to focus efforts on protecting people on the platform. What’s more notable however is that Mark Zuckerberg also hosted a last-minute, rare town hall with media and analysts to explain these efforts and also take tough questions for the better part of an hour. Let’s…

Facebook is Becoming a Social Operating System for Human Beings and Robots

Facebook is Becoming a Social Operating System for Human Beings and Robots

At f8 2017, Facebook aims to become your social network for reality, augmented reality and virtual reality…really. In the heart of Silicon Valley, Facebook once again hosted its highly-anticipated developer conference, which, for the record, appeals to anyone who follows, designs for, or uses the world’s largest social network. Drawing an estimated 4,000 attendees from all around the world, Facebook’s news blurred the line between reality and virtual reality and human and robot engagement for users in their personal and…

Facebook Evolves from Social Network to Social Ecosystem

Facebook Evolves from Social Network to Social Ecosystem

Every so often, Facebook hosts its f8, a conference in San Francisco aimed at developers, media, and partners. This year, in front of an audience of 2,500+, Facebook introduced its vision for the next year and beyond. With Mark Zuckerberg kicking things off, Facebook introduced a dozen or so new products organized into three including Facebook’s update to Login, which gives people more control over the information they share with apps, Anonymous login, which offers a way for people to…

Twitter Files for IPO – What it means for users, investors, and social media

Twitter Files for IPO – What it means for users, investors, and social media

By now you’ve heard that Twitter IPO will fly soon. On the heels of its release of the controversial Conversations feature, Twitter announced, via a Tweet of course, a confidential S-1 filing for a planned IPO. In fact, just last week, I shared with ABC News that we needed to prepare for the inevitable. While many experts are jumping on their platforms to shout that it’s about time, many investors are smirking with clasped hands, understanding of course that in…

Think Like a Startup: Growth Hacking Introduces New Marketing Hacks to Businesses

Think Like a Startup: Growth Hacking Introduces New Marketing Hacks to Businesses

Do more with less! Sound familiar? This is a statement I hear in almost every strategy and planning meeting I attend on behalf of enterprise and startup clients alike. The idea of course is to accomplish great feats, beyond the output or achievements of years gone by, without the previous resources exploited over time. Several years ago, I adopted a way of thinking to help me realize that how things are done today isn’t indicative of how they could be….

What Your Business Needs to Know About Facebook’s EdgeRank

What Your Business Needs to Know About Facebook’s EdgeRank

Facebook recently introduced the ability for brands to increase reach for important posts and updates, but that reach comes at a cost. The prices varies depending on how many fans you have in your community. This new feature coincided with changes to the company’s Edgerank algorithm, which is how Facebook automagically filters posts in and out of your stream. Similar to how Google’s PageRank sorts results to better match your search intention, Facebook uses Edgerank to ensure that engagement is…

Facebook: Over 1 Billion Served – Plus Interesting Stats

Mark Zuckerberg announced in a short and sweet post today that Facebook is now home to one billion digital denizens. I’m not going to focus on the impact this news will have on its stock. Instead, I would like to focus on how this significant milestone aligns with his vision, a vision that was clearly communicated in the company’s S-1. After re-reading Zuckerberg’s letter to investors, here are a few themes that resonate with me in light of this news……

The GM Facebook Advertising Saga Plays Out Like an Episode of Mad Men

Shortly before Facebook’s turbulent IP “uh oh”, GM announced that it was pulling its $10 million advertising budget from Facebook. Controversy erupted. Accusations ensued. Camps divided into three factions, those who support GM, those who support Facebook and those not yet ready to take a stance either way, but are paying attention. It will forever be known as “the meeting” between Facebook sales executives and General Motors Global CMO Joel Ewanick and other GM senior marketing executives. In the end,…

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