Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: livestream

Live Video Streams Go Mainstream

In April 2007, I wrote a series entitled “” that documented the transformation in user-generated online video from episodic content to live broadcasting. Over time the movement would come to be known as lifecasting, live streaming, or live casting, as it shared with viewers everything the Webcam captured, as it happened. Since then, live streaming has evolved from nichecasting to mainstream broadcasting, with more and more individuals, and now celebrities and businesses, live casting video streams to viewers across…, A Series on Lifecasting – Part III

In the first post, we explored the meteoric evolution in online video, dating back to Web 1.0 with JenniCam, We Live in Public, and DotComGuy and now in Web 2.0 with the launch of the incredibly popular In the next chapter we dove into, which is the first online network to combine Youtube with 24/7 livecasting capabilities aka lifecasting aka livestreaming, a la Since the last article, continues to blossom into a full-blown media category that…

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