Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: list

The AI Journal: Top 20 Digital Transformation Pros you NEED To Follow

The AI Journal: Top 20 Digital Transformation Pros you NEED To Follow

Via The AI Journal According to IDC, over the next four years, worldwide Digital Transformation technology investment is set to reach at least $7.4 trillion and will be the first time that DX will account for the majority of IT spending – predicted to be a huge 53% of budgets. Digital transformation is a set of methodologies and tools which are used by modern companies to optimize their operational activities, such as increasing their reach power, providing differentiated service and…

BlueLeadz Selects Brian Solis as One of the 10 Best Tech Thought Leaders You Should Follow on LinkedIn

BlueLeadz Selects Brian Solis as One of the 10 Best Tech Thought Leaders You Should Follow on LinkedIn

Solis is one of the “10 Best Technology Thought Leaders You Should Follow on LinkedIn, was chosen by Blueleads and reported in an article by Claire Cortese. The list is headed by Cathy Hackl, Futurist from You Are Here Labs, and Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates. Solis’ section identifies him as the “Award winning author of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design” who specializes in disruptive technology and its impact. Cortese adds: “He focuses on the ‘future of industries, trends,…

With Klout Comes Influence: How To Find Influencers on Twitter

This is the uncut version of my latest post on TechCrunch… Measuring individual influence in Social Media is as coveted as it is elusive. While many tools claim to calculate authority, it is the definition of influence that requires clarification in order to grasp the relevance and differences of existing tools and services. For the sake keeping this discussion on track, let’s define influence. According to Merriam-Webster, influence is having the power or capacity to cause an effect. San Francisco-based…

Twitter Releases New Widget for Lists

Twitter recently expanded its new Lists service to users network-wide and in doing so, injected a sense of excitement, confusion, and also utility. Lists represent a significant milestone for Twitter as it transcends asynchronous conversations and and broadcast messages into a form of intelligence gathering, education, entertainment, and news. Twitter Lists are also stirring controversy as many believe that it sets the foundation for a new level of establishing a metric for influence. Whereas prominence was measured by the number…

Twitter Lists Now Available in Beta

Last week, while attending Blogworld Expo, I logged into Twitter to catch up on a few DMs. Upon login, I noticed that something was just a bit different. My home page featured a sizable banner that announced the “beta” release of lists.  While I knew the release of Twitter lists was imminent, I didn’t expect it so quickly. Essentially, waves of people are receiving access to lists, offering an effective form of contextual curation to follow and stay connected to…

Which Blog Platforms Power the Top 100 Blogs?

Source Is 2009 the year you finally dive into the world wide web of blogging? Or, is it the year you switch blogging platforms or services? It is for me. In fact, I’m exploring the near-term migration of PR 2.0 from Blogger to WordPress (both self-hosted). Make no mistake, even with the popularity of micro communities such as Twitter, aggregated streams/lifestreams such as Strands and FriendFeed, and tumblelogs (Tumblr), blogging is still one of the most effective and visible stages…

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