Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: laughingsquid

Tumblr – Tumbling between blogs, twitter and jaiku

How many unfinished posts do you have in your draft folder? Or, better yet, how many ideas do you have that you are hoping to get to one day. Well if you’re anything like me, a post is much more than simply sitting down, typing, linking, adding tags and then clicking the post button. And, this is an example of one such post. Enter tumblelogs. According to Wikipedia, “A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media…

There’s something to be said for the phenomenon that is amateur video on the Web. After earning Time’s Person of the Year, the “you” generation continues to drive the new web with each video and picture posted, tagged, and shared, every blog post and podcast, trackback, link, and comment, through every social bookmark, annotation, and search, all of the twitter casts, and micro and mobile text and IM updates we broadcast. Now, get ready for lifecasting. Lifecasting is the new…

Microsoft PR Sparks a Blogstorm of Support and Outrage

Image Credit: I just read over on Techmeme that Microsoft PR may be digging itself deeper into another potential PR fiasco. There is a blogstorm out there with dozens of bloggers, myself included, casting opinions. Many of which I don’t necessarily agree with. I had to find out for myself, so I contacted several of the privileged bloggers who already have the notebook as well as other PR leaders to discuss the topic. Welcome to Crisis Communications 2.0. Microsoft’s…

October 2006 SF Beta Web 2.0 Mixer

Photo Credit: Beau Liening Grab a bottle of bubbles at your local Longs or RiteAid, get outside and commence blowing. Try to make one very big bubble, gander, marvel at its size, call all of your friends to see it, and then, pop. Pop? That’s so 1.0. Now, do it again…but, be careful…don’t let this one pop. Instead of filling it with air, try injecting a bit of hope and enthusiasm into each blow. Nice work….I can see the beginnings… Birthday Bash!

Written by Alison McNeill Photo Credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid . Last night I attended the birthday bash at the monstrous Yahoo headquarters, and yes, it was quite delicious! This was very different from previous events I have gone to in that it was bigger, more relaxed and there was tons of delicious food! Sorry, I’ll try to use a different adjective for the rest of the article. Joshua Schachter, Photo Credit: Jeremiah Owyang My colleague and I,…

Revision3 Launch Party

While I’m here at DEMOfall, I missed the Revision3 launch party. Scott Beale captured the event, and by looking at his pictures, I absolutely wish I could have been in two places at once. Photo Credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid For the story, jump over to Laughing Squid. “The founders of Digg just launched their new video content company Revision3 tonight, with a massive party at Mighty in San Francisco. Special guests from Tiki Bar TV , Ask A…

STIRR It Up! Founder’s Mixer 1.6 Raises the Bar

This was STIRR ’s sixth event and there was no doubt that it was the biggest to date. In fact they had to move from Blue Chalk in Palo Alto to The Whisper Lounge in SF in order to accomodate the growth. In discussions with Sean Ness and Joanne Wan, estimates were easily placed at about 225. 225…? Kudos STIRR team! STIRR is an effective mix of “live” social and business networking among a highly qualified crowd of tech innovators,…

Lunch 2.0 ‘Web Expo’ Blowout at Hitachi Data Systems

Yesterday, I attended the Lunch 2.0 event at Hitachi Data Systems in Santa Clara (Isn’t everything better with “2.0” after it?). Jeremiah Owyang organized and hosted the event and credit also goes out to Mark Jen for starting the Lunch 2.0 event series. Your host, Jeremiah Owyang – Photo credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid Similar to STIRR and the SV and SF NewTech Meetups, the concept is really about bringing together the people behind the new “Silicon Valley” economy…

Laughing Squid – The Valleywag / TechCrunch Peace Accord

Photo credit: Scott Beale Thank you to Scott Beale of Laughing Squid for the TechCrunch7 reference earlier… From Laughing Squid: “Monkey Notions has made an excellent video about the Valleywag / TechCrunch Peace Accord using my photo of the now famous, less-than-enthusiastic handshake between Nick Douglas of Valleywag and Michael Arrington at the TechCrunch 7 Party.” Quoting Brian Solis on Flickr: TechCrunch7 Party $100,000 Open Bar $50,000 Picture of Mike and Nick shaking hands, Priceless… Tags: nick douglas, valleywag, techcrunch,…