Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: innovation

The Escalating Dilemma of Executive Out-of-Touchness

The Escalating Dilemma of Executive Out-of-Touchness

A few years ago, my dear friend Stowe Boyd reached out to ask an important question in regards to future of work and business transformation. His goal was to cast the light directly on the (r)evolution lead by those who want change within the organization and also expose (and inspire) those who don’t. It’s a subject I’ve extensively studied over the years. In fact, I recently published “The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto” to help those fighting for change learn the…

Top Futurist Keynote Speaker Brian Solis – The Future Happens to Us or Because of Us

Top Futurist Keynote Speaker Brian Solis – The Future Happens to Us or Because of Us

We’re living in a very disruptive time. Digital disruption is all around us. It’s happening to us and because of us. So my message today is really about a choice. You have a choice as to what role you want to play in the future of the digital economy. Do you want to shape it? Or do you want to be affected by it? It’s a matter of “adapt or die.” All of the disruptive technology that’s happening in the…

Customers are the Ultimate Influencers; The Value of a Shared Experiences and How To Measure Them

Customers are the Ultimate Influencers; The Value of a Shared Experiences and How To Measure Them

After releasing, What’s the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, I also published a secret “bonus” chapter for those who finished the book and found the Easter egg at the end. Now, I’m making the bonus chapter available for everyone. Why? Because the four moments of truth explored in WTF not only define the modern customer journey, the link between the Zero Moment of Ā Truth (ZMOT) and what I call the Ultimate Moment of Truth (UMOT) is…

Brian Solis to Deliver Visionary Keynote at HIMSS22

Brian Solis to Deliver Visionary Keynote at HIMSS22

HIMSS will feature Brian Solis as a visionary keynote speaker at HIMSS22 Re-Imagine Health event in Orlando. Brian will share a reimagined view of patient and caregiver experience through the lens of design and experience innovation. Visionary Keynote: The Future of Patient Experience & Innovative Experience Design in Healthcare Monday, March 14 at 3:50 PM – 4:15 PM EDT Human beings crave special experiences. Yet, as patients, we tolerate mediocrity.Ā  In a world disrupted by a global pandemic, the one…

Data-Driven Empathy Helps Businesses Develop a Human-Centered Approach to Digital Transformation and Innovation

Data-Driven Empathy Helps Businesses Develop a Human-Centered Approach to Digital Transformation and Innovation

While onsite in New York, I was interviewed by the Netbase Quid team to share highlights from my presentation on data-driven empathy. Every technology revolution moves people in new directions. Human-centered insights, data-driven empathy, create meaning, relevance, and helps identify opportunities for new value creation to close the relationship gaps between businesses and customers.🤍

A Newā€”and Timelessā€”Digital-First Consumer Is the Future

A Newā€”and Timelessā€”Digital-First Consumer Is the Future

via Lisa Boylan, Associations Now, published byĀ ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership Brian Solis keynoted the ASAE Technology Exploration Conference in Washington, D.C. To set the proverbial stage, Associations Now interviewed Brian on his thoughts on a new digital world ahead of his presentation. Disruption can be a gift, according to Brian Solis, bestselling author, digital anthropologist, and futurist. Among the positives: It created an ageless consumer segment that is leading the way. Thereā€™s a different, inclusive generational category that…

How to Transform in a Time of Uncertainty; The Path to Personal and Professional ROI (Return on Innovation)

How to Transform in a Time of Uncertainty; The Path to Personal and Professional ROI (Return on Innovation)

The following was written as a prelude to a keynote presentation for a global company undergoing massive transformation. May it also inspire you in your work to bring about meaningful change… Change isnā€™t easy. This is why ā€œbusiness as usualā€ constistently becomes the status quo. Unless we decide to move in a new direction, nothing really changes. No matter our experience and beliefs, no matter how many new things we surround ourselves with, we arenā€™t really moving in a new…

Brian Solis Urges Businesses to Look Forward

Brian Solis Urges Businesses to Look Forward

via 21st Arkansas Business and Century Business Forum Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige was known for saying, ā€œDonā€™t look back; something might be gaining on you.ā€ Futurist Brian Solis shares that belief, especially as it pertains to businesses and their need to look forward, not back. That need is even more poignant in this post-pandemic world, according to Solis, who maintains that businesses should not be yearning for a return to the old normal but rather must adapt to…

The New Trajectory for Digital Transformation and the Role of AI and Automation in a Post-Pandemic World

The New Trajectory for Digital Transformation and the Role of AI and Automation in a Post-Pandemic World

An insightful conversation with Sameer Datta ofĀ Enterprise TalkĀ about technology’s boom within orgs around the world and the accelerated rise ofĀ AI and automation in the post-pandemic economy. We also explore the impact digital transformations are having on customer experience.Ā  Please watch and share! [simple-author-box}

The Future of Retail is Now: The Shift to Digital-First, Customer-Centered Engagement

The Future of Retail is Now: The Shift to Digital-First, Customer-Centered Engagement

To meet post-pandemic expectations, retailers are challenged with transforming their operations, accelerating digital transformation, and modernizing their workforce management strategies to better empower their service agents and store associates. With 80% of customers agreeing that experience is as important as product or service, itā€™s imperative that you take a customer-first approach to enhance your customersā€™ end-to-end shopping experience and achieve new levels of loyalty. Becoming a digital-first business is a commitment to your customers. Leveraging data to understand shopper habits…

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