It was 2017 when I failed to deliver what would have been my eighth book. At the time, I was approaching the two year anniversary of the release of my previous work, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design. I was feeling the pressure to deliver. At the same time, my goal was to amplify my reach as an author, speaker and also as an authentic voice in a sea rife with other brilliant minds and more so, exceptional marketers. But,…
AdAge: A New Customer Experience: How AI Is Changing Marketing
Industry publication AdAge recently had a look at how artificial intelligence is changing the nature of marketing, citing Brian Solis’ thoughts on the subject.
Demand Gen Report: Podcast: The Future Of Influencer Marketing Is Influencer Relations
The podcast of industry publication Demand Gen recently had on Brian Solis as a featured guest, discussing the past and future of influencer relationships.
MarketingTech: Brian Solis: On CMO pressure, nailing customer journey touchpoints and the rise of Influence 2.0
James Bourne of industry publication MarketingTech recently conducted a long and wide-ranging interview with Brian Solis about the present and future of their industry.
Reseller News: Bring digital transformation to life: breaking down the cultural barriers
Industry publication Reseller News recently did an overview of their annual Partner Breakfasts, which bring together business leaders looking to bring digital transformation to life in their organizations, citing Brian Solis’ report with Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute on the subject.
CoMarketing News: Influence Marketing is Still Far From Mature…
French marketing publication CoMarketing News recently did an article on the still relatively young state of influence marketing, citing Brian Solis’ “Influence 2.0” study he did for Altimeter.
Viuz: AI Marketing: New Principle of Intelligent Automation
French marketing publication Viuz recently did an overview of early efforts into using AI for marketing purposes, citing Brian Solis’ thoughts on the subject.
a.list: Influencer Marketing Focused On Long-Term Relationships, Hindered By Budgets, Report Says
Industry publication a.list recently took a look at Brian Solis’ Altimeter report on the current state of influencers, sharing conclusions along the way.
Venture Beat: Online marketplaces must go beyond sales to experiences
Industry publication Venture Beat recently took a look at Brian Solis’ Altimeter report on the state and future of digital marketplaces, drawing conclusions along the way.
CNET: Google+ and life after social media death
Tech publication CNET recently did an article on what lies next for social media in the wake of the Google+ shutdown, and talked with Brian Solis for his opinions.