My dear friend Nathalie Nahai invited me on her popular podcast, The Hive, to discuss her new book and the future of tech, resilience, and leadership. I’d like to share that conversation with you here. Today I speak with the inimitable Brian Solis, a world-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist. An award-winning author and global keynote speaker, Brianâs research, advisory and presentations humanise the relationship between disruptive innovation and its impact on institutions, markets and societies. He not only helps audiences…
ANA: How Do Marketers Express Digital Empathy?
via ANA Champions of Growth podcast, Matthew Schwart, host Empathy-based marketing has become a growing part of the conversation among brands and organizations looking to engage their audiences more effectively and strengthen relationships. But with an online-first marketing strategy how do companies practice so-called digital empathy? And how do you see the world through another person’s eyes via an algorithm? Brian Solis, VP-global innovation evangelist at Salesforce, refers to digital empathy as the “love language.” It’s the subject line in…
More Intelligent Tomorrow: The New Economy Will Require Empathy
Henry Ford famously said, âIf you always do what youâve always done, youâll always get what youâve always got.â So how do you find novel approaches to solving old problems? More Intelligent Tomorrow host Dave Anderson sits down with Brian Solis to talk about interesting ways to get creative solutions to our long-standing challenges. Please listen to the full podcast here. Dave Anderson is a keynote speaker, tech evangelist, and podcast host with a refreshing perspective on marketing, analytics, and…
Building brand loyalty with empathy
Thoughts about the future of customer service and experience published by Brian Solis in Forbes, was recently included in CO by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “5 Customer Service Trends That Are Here to Stay.” Author, Sean Ludwig. During the pandemic, businesses changed their customer experience. Here are the changes that will be around long after COVID-19 is a thing of the past. Building brand loyalty with empathy One way customer service has notably changed during the pandemic that brands…
2020 CX and Marketing Prediction: Shift from Tracking Trends to Creating Possibilities
Iâd like to think of 2020 as we think about it with vision, 20/20, which means normal visual acuity. Marketing and CX in 2020 will be a lot like marketing and CX in 2019 (not a bad thing necessarily.) As we kickoff the new year, we’re already talking about hot new trends and how to integrate shiny new tech into existing thinking, processes and programs, doing cool things, without really changing the game. If 2020 can stand for something, make…
Whatâs important for CX executives and marketers to consider in 2019?
A dear friend of mine asked if I would share my ideas for a new report that explored marketing’s role in driving business growth and shaping the future. The answer was, “of course.” If I can be straightforward, marketing for the sake of marketing is exasperating. The elite, but promising marketers know this. They’re focusing on two things that matter to businesses in an era of digital Darwinism, 1) business growth and not decline and 2) the customer’s experience (note…
How to Create Content that Connects with Your Customers
Guest post by Jessica Ann (@itsjessicann), CEO and Creative Director of Jessica Ann Media, and author of Humanize Your Brand: How to Create Content that Connects with Your Customers. Weâre living in a post-advertising age. Instead of lamenting the past, or focusing on âthe good oleâ daysâ of traditional marketing, weâre now being called to get more real. Everyone (and their mom) is affected by how weâre consuming the fast-paced media of today. And in turn, the content that we create…
Experience Begins Here
Experience is becoming more important than the product itself. What is experience? It’s not a thing, it’s everything. It’s an embrace and an emotional ecosystem that requires purpose, thoughtfulness and mastery. More so, experience requires architecture and a supporting ecosystem to deliver more than features, utility or capability. And, it starts here: <3 We must flip our everyday approach from brand-centricity to customer-centricity. Think beyond budgets, approvals and technology and creativity for the sake of technology and creativity. That’s what…
Digital Transformation is About Empathy First and Technology Second
Every day, there’s seemingly yet another disruptive trend that emerges out of nowhere which affects consumer behavior and the future of everything along with it. Many of you already follow some of the most notable trends disrupting markets today and I know you’re devising new strategies as a result in order to compete in these ever shifting markets. – Real Time – Social Media- Mobile – Sharing Economy – Peer-to-Peer Economy – Maker Economy – Internet of Things – Crowd…
The Future of Business Starts with Us
I often share a quote by Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” And that’s where are in business. We all talk of change but very few of us start with changing the very things that will help us more effectively compete for the future. The evolving state of technology, customer behavior and expectations and our role within each is changing or it should change… What we see (perspective and…