Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: digg

Revealing the People Defining Social Networks

Source: Shutterstock Social Networks are among the most powerful examples of socialized media. They create a dynamic ecosystem that incubates and nurtures relationships between people and the content they create and share. As these communities permeate and reshape our lifestyle and how we communicate with one another, we’re involuntarily forcing advertisers and marketers to rapidly evolve how they vie for our attention. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Yelp, and other online communities transformed the regimen and practice of marketing “at” people into…

BackType Connects the Conversation Graph

I’m a strong supporter of BackType and the work of Christopher Golda since the debut of the highly valuable comments search engine last September. Listening effectively requires extensive and active monitoring of not only blog posts and Tweets on Twitter, but also blog comments and other active networks that define the Conversation Prism. It’s how identify active communities that necessitate not only responses, but ongoing participation. BackType brings blog post comments into the spotlight. Whether you’re managing an online reputation…

Chad Hurley on the Rise, Acquisition, and Future of YouTube

Social Media is our genre’s Industrial Revolution. It is the era of new influencers and the ability for everyday people to share their creativity, expertise, thoughts, ideas, and passions in order to participate in and build a community around common interests. People are taking their destiny into their own hands and evolving their online, personal or professional, persona and brands online. While there are many user-generated or people-driven social networks today, none generate the mainstream traffic or exposure possible at…

The Future of the Social Media Release is in Your Hands

Todd Defren and Brian Solis. The Social Media Release (SMR) is gaining traction and visibility and is now looked to by many as the savior of the traditional press release – which may honestly be too great a task for any one tool. But, at the very least, the discussions around the SMR are fueling the evolution and improvement of the press release overall. Each day new examples are emerging and will only continue to be showcased as Social Media…

Web 2.0 Logo Color Palette for Photoshop

Proof that if good or interesting news sits out on the web long enough, it will make it’s way to the forefront eventually. A piece that ran in February 2006 over at Miles’ Blog » The Web 2.0 Secret Weapon, is on the Digg front page today. Basically Miles created a color palatte or swatch if you will that breaks out varying levels of colors by Web 2.0 companies. It’s almost like fusing Web 2.0 with Pantone. Now SwissMiss revisited…

Revision3 Launch Party

While I’m here at DEMOfall, I missed the Revision3 launch party. Scott Beale captured the event, and by looking at his pictures, I absolutely wish I could have been in two places at once. Photo Credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid For the story, jump over to Laughing Squid. “The founders of Digg just launched their new video content company Revision3 tonight, with a massive party at Mighty in San Francisco. Special guests from Tiki Bar TV , Ask A…

Amanda Congdon is Popurl’ar Again

(c) Amanda Congdon I stopped by Amanda’s place over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised to read her latest post. According to Congdon, “I’m SOOOOOOOOOOO Popurl!!!! Wow!! My popurls collaboration is getting quite the attention.” And according to the Popurl blog, “pop goes the url again! I’m announcing the cooperation with amanda congdon. launching in september she will remix the best urls from popurls every weekday in her own little box right on popurls.” Cool. Amanda then continued in her…

TechCrunch 7 – Web 2.0 Party of the Summer

Photo Credit: Scott Beale, Laughing Squid Unfortunately I had to miss what turned out to be an amazing party. I had to sneak-in one last camping getaway with the family before the end of summer. Laurence (Lo) Toney, VP Marketplace Operations,, attended TechCrunch 7 and was gracious enough to provide us with his wrap-up report. Lo Toney, Guest Blogger, PR2.0 It was labeled the Web 2.0 party of the summer – Michael Arrington’s TechCrunch party or TechCrunch 7 for…

Social Media Leads the Way – Blogs as Important as Traditional Media

Social media is becoming pervasive and more importantly, extremely influential among the people buying products and solutions. According to a recent survey, and all the rage at the recent Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose, Outsell, a marketing research firm, recently interviewed 7,000 professionals in corporations, government, healthcare, and academia to find out: o How much time they spend searching and reading info for their job: 12 hours per week. o Where they search and read that info “The…