Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: darwinism

AI, Digital Darwinism, and the Tyranny of the Status Quo

AI, Digital Darwinism, and the Tyranny of the Status Quo

Digital Darwinism: The evolution of society and technology and its impact on behavior, expectations, and behaviors. “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” ā€“ Leon C. Megginson Transformation becomes the minimum ante to surviving evolution. At some point though, we have to stop reacting…

10 Trends to Beat Digital Darwinism

The digital landscape continues to undergo a significant shift that will have profound effects on business this year. The challenge is that hardly any business leaders noticed. Thatā€™s not their fault however. Even through the impact of technology on business and consumer behavior was widely reported, in depth reports on what to do next or how this will affect their business specifically were scant at best. Iā€™m sure you heard it from ā€œexpertsā€ everywhere, ā€œYou need a Facebook brand page!…

In an era of Digital Darwinism, no business is too big to fail or too small to succeed

In an era of Digital Darwinism, no business is too big to fail or too small to succeed…this is your time. Many follow, but very few lead. Many compete to survive, but few compete for relevance. Do we listen to our customers? Do we truly understand them? Do we create experiences or do we simply react? The future of business comes down to one wordā€¦change. This is a new era that redefines everything. An era of empowered consumers and employees….

Digital Darwinism: Who’s Next?

This is the first part in a short series to introduce The End of Business as Usual… Change is inevitable, but it is rarely easy. Among the greatest difficulties associated with change is the ability to even recognize its need at a time when we can actually do something about it. Sometimes, when we finally realize that change is inevitable, the visionĀ  or energy needed to push forward in a new direction is elusive. Or worse, when competitors recognize the…

PR 2.0: Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Have you ever met someone so energetic, positive and incredibly smart – someone who exudes passion and someone who “gets it” in an inspirational way? I’m lucky to know one such person, Deirdre Breakenridge, and she has just published a new, must-read book, PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences. I’m honored to have my ideas, philosophies, experiences, and vision shared throughout the book. I’m even more humbled to have been asked to contribute the foreword. PR 2.0, as…

PR 2.0 = The Evolution of PR, Nothing Less, Nothing More

Source There are many of us running back and forth from the edge to the center who would love to drop “2.0” from new evolution of PR. Hey, it’s even the name of this blog, and has been for years, but thereā€™s a reason I havenā€™t changed the name yet. The subject itself is a catalyst for healthy, informative, and motivating conversations. I was reminded of this as good friend Kami Huyse shouted on Twitter recently, “I hate PR 2.0…