Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: customer experience

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

The Content Experience Also Shapes the Customer Experience, Design Accordingly

Originally published in the Alexa blog, “Out with Content Strategy, In with Content Experience.” Did you know that 90% of smartphone users are not absolutely certain of the specific brand they want to buy when they begin looking for information online? And, 65% look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the information? The question for you is, where is your business in these activities? What is it that customers find about your brand, if at all,…

Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on experience as a driver for breakthrough innovation

Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on experience as a driver for breakthrough innovation

Just months before the pandemic, I joined Comcast innovation executives, eWeek, and a host of CX experts to explore the next trends in CX and digital innovation. Following the roundtable discussion, I joined my friends at The Cube and Silicon Angle to dive deeper into conversations about shifting consumerism, the role of innovation in digital products and services and also digital experience design, as well as measuring ROE (return on experiences). Post Pandemic, the conversation seems like it happened a…

Customers Seek Experiences That Enhance Their Current State, Design Accordingly

Customers Seek Experiences That Enhance Their Current State, Design Accordingly

In a world of distraction, listeners make the best experience and engagement architects. In a mobile-first world, experiences must be reimagined for the small screen. The best experiences will break the fourth wall of digital to deliver real human-to-human engagement. Like software, mobile has eaten the world. But mobile is more than a next-generation platform. Mobile is a powerful unifier. It has evolved into a digital hub for humanity, business and society. It brings us together while connecting us to…

The Humanization Of CX In An Era Of AI

The Humanization Of CX In An Era Of AI

AI is promising the automation of customer engagement to scale intelligent, real-time CX to survive digital Darwinism. The future has two possibilities however. We can automate and scale the standards and capabilities for CX as we’ve come to define and shape them over the decades. Or, we can use AI as a mechanism to deliver personalized, on-demand experiences that connected customers are learning to expect from their favorite digital-native apps and services. In this special session at PegaWorld 2019, I…

Google’s Meena Chatbot Could Humanize Conversational AI, But Are Enterprises Ready to Invest in More Intuitive Digital Customer Experiences

Google’s Meena Chatbot Could Humanize Conversational AI, But Are Enterprises Ready to Invest in More Intuitive Digital Customer Experiences

TechTarget’s Don Fluckinger is a friend and a highly regarded tech journalist. He recently rounded up dome of the industry’s leading CX and AI experts to explore Google Meena’s next-generation conversational AI. He always brings together a great group for a productive and thoughtful conversation! For context, chatbots today are largely used in rule-based engagements, sitting on top of structured data to perform a set of focused operations. They connect customers to common information or facilitate everyday transactions. In the more effective…

The Role Boards of Directors and Shareholders Should Play in Guiding Business Innovation and Digital Transformation

The Role Boards of Directors and Shareholders Should Play in Guiding Business Innovation and Digital Transformation

My friend Raj Singh is the Chair of the Institute of Directors (IoD) in the UK. IoD has over 30,000 directors as members serving as board members for listed and unlisted companies. For one of its quarterly breakfast club meetings, I was asked to share my views on the role boards of directors need to play in guiding digital transformation and business innovation. Raj also asked for me to discuss the role of customer experience as a catalyst for change. I…

Brian Solis Discusses Voice Remote and Return on Experience In Interview by theCUBE! On Comcast Innovation Day

Brian Solis Discusses Voice Remote and Return on Experience In Interview by theCUBE! On Comcast Innovation Day

Solis sat down for a 12-minute interview with Jeff Frick of theCUBE at the Comcast Silicon Valley Innovation Center in Sunnyvale, CA. Their chat was centered around “customer experience day,” a gathering of Comcast executives and thought leaders in the customer experience base. Some Solis quotes from the interview: “Today’s conversation has been a spotlight on what’s most important, most important, which is innovation not for the sake of innovation, but innovation for the sake of pushing the customer experience…

Article Awarding Pegasystems Mentions Brian Solis and His PegaWorld Keynote on AI

Article Awarding Pegasystems Mentions Brian Solis and His PegaWorld Keynote on AI

In an extensive article on ZDNet extolling the virtues of software giant Pegasystems and why they were a CRM Watchlist 2019 winner, Paul Greenberg – President of the customer strategy consulting firm The 56 Group, LLC – mentions Solis (an “uber-thought leader”) in reference to his keynote on artificial intelligence (AI) in the enterprise at the recent PegaWorld 2019. In the CX section of a part of the article devoted to Pegasystems’ corporate narrative, Greenberg writes: “To the credit of…

Lifescaling Your Brand: Brian Solis Offers 4 Solutions on CMO

Lifescaling Your Brand: Brian Solis Offers 4 Solutions on CMO

Sharing important research that helped him write his new book Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life, Brian Solis offers “4 Ways to ‘Lifescale’ Your Brand” in an insightful piece on the CMO platform. The piece is centered around ways to deliver value from the point of view of the customer’s experience. He found a few places to start in order to rise above the noise and make a positive impression on distracted customers. #1 is…

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