Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: customer experience

The Coming Trends in Digital Transformation, Marketing, CX and EX [VIDEO]

The Coming Trends in Digital Transformation, Marketing, CX and EX [VIDEO]

It was the day after the U.S. election. I arrived in Copenhagen. I was tired. It near the end of a two week trip that took me to Munich, Amsterdam, Beirut, and London. But, I was also excited to attend Digital Copenhagen, a conference that explores digital trends affecting the future of business. My presentation was set to challenge conventional beliefs around several important technological and business trends. Before I took the stage, I joined the crew at TwentyThree to…

Innovation in Customer Experience Starts with a Shift in Perspective

Innovation in Customer Experience Starts with a Shift in Perspective

While traveling Europe this year, I met Silvia Hänig who was writing a story for about customer experience. She followed up our initial conversation with the questions below. Instead of shooting back quick answers, I took the time, maybe too much time, to thoughtfully reply as if I were going to share the exchange with everyone. And, that’s what I’m doing here. I hope it helps you… Mister Solis, why is it so difficult to create Customer Experience (CX) for…

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

We live in a time of digital Darwinism, an era when technology and its impact on business and society is constant with varying, but inevitable, degrees of disruption. The thing about digital Darwinism is that it plays out differently in the case of each industry and each organisation. It’s less about the origin of the species and more about its fate as digital Darwinism is enlivened through changes in people (your customers, employees and stakeholders) and how markets are advancing as a result. Survival takes an intentional, informed effort to drive business evolution and modernization. But to thrive, takes something more.

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

  I recently presented at event in San Diego. My goal in doing so was to help attendees reframe the problems they were trying to solve and introduce new opportunities that would help them go back to work and contribute to meaningful change. I remember it being a beautiful day. The crowd was electric and more than open to new ideas. When I was done presenting, I playfully threw out that I would be outside on the patio (overlooking the San Diego Harbor)…

Brian Solis Interviewed About Digital Transformation on the Modern Marketing Engine Podcast

Brian Solis Interviewed About Digital Transformation on the Modern Marketing Engine Podcast

Solis was interviewed on the Modern Marketing Engine Podcast by host Bernie Borges (on the Vengreso platform) in an episode titled, “Digital Transformation Takes an OPPOSITE approach.” Borges said, “Brian’s focus on digital transformation in his recent research on the 8 Success Factors of Digital Transformation inspired me to extend the invitation to him to share the key findings on our podcast.” Through Solis’s research, he and Jaimy Szymanski, Digital Experience Analyst at The Altimeter Group, uncovered a framework many…

The Truth About Creating Customer Experiences

The Truth About Creating Customer Experiences

  Bryan Kramer is just one of those people with whom you instantly bond. For those who don’t know him, he shot onto the social, digital, content marketing scene with fun and fervor. He’s highly regarded as a strategist, speaker and author. He’s also someone I think of as a good friend. Recently, I had the honor, and enjoyment, of shooting an episode of H2HChat (Human to Human) with Bryan and his super smart co-host Suzi McCarthy. The conversation was both…

It’s About the Customer Experience; So, Why Is Your Brand Ignoring Customers?

It’s About the Customer Experience; So, Why Is Your Brand Ignoring Customers?

  Humans are emotional creatures and they want experiences that engage them as humans. They’re not eyeballs, impressions, views, likes, shares, clickthroughs, or conversions. A few weeks ago, I visited New York on a beautiful summer day to participate in an event that I would love to repeat everywhere around the world. Prophet, a global brand strategy firm that recently acquired Altimeter Group, hosted an intimate event to explore the new horizons of digital customer experience (DCX). I was invited…

Digital Transformation Starts with Reimagining the Customer Experience

Digital Transformation Starts with Reimagining the Customer Experience

All customers are not created equal. This is also true for relationships. No business has the same relationship with their customers as you intend to have with yours. The thing is though, you must first define what a relationship with your customer looks and feels like and in turn, how they would describe it to their friends and colleagues. This is where the future of customer experience begins. At a time when technology is affecting how people go through life,…

Customer Experience is Becoming More Important Than the Product Itself

Customer Experience is Becoming More Important Than the Product Itself

Customer experience is the sum of all engagements and interactions a customer has with your business in every step of their journey and lifecycle. It’s what your customer feels, thinks, says (to you and others) and more so, what they do now and in the time to come that counts for everything. CX is measured not by NPS (Net Promoter Score) but instead by the sentiment and outcomes in every moment of truth throughout the relationship. And, it’s yours…

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