I got to know Michael Brito several years ago when he worked on the social media team at Intel. Since then, we’ve worked together in a variety of projects becoming good friends along the way. I was proud when Michael landed his book deal for Smart Business, Social Business and I was honored when Michael asked me to write the Foreword. Smart Business, Social Business is now available and the publisher has agreed to let me share the foreword here….
The Rise of the Connected Customer and the New Era of Relevance
It’s not a widely kept secret, but customers do indeed keep companies in business. While businesses have long invested in improving customer relationships, the time has come to think beyond efficiencies and automation and examine new opportunities to rethink customer experiences overall. Why? Customers are more connected than ever before. The role they play has exploded beyond transactions and is now influencing the transactions of others as well as contributing to the brand experience at levels never before seen. It’s…
Flying to a Higher Altitude with Altimeter Group
Today I have some very special news to share with you ā I will be joining Altimeter Group. To help you understand why I decided to make this move, allow me to provide a bit of context. Over the years, Iāve published my experiences, observations and insights primarily exploring the impact of social technology on marketing, advertising, media, business, communications, and culture. But within the last couple of years, the two places where I continually gravitate towards more often than…
At the Pivot of Business, Marketing and Media
I am certainly no stranger to the conference circuit. Over the years, I’ve helped many friends organize conferences, advised organizers on programming and positioning, and presented at or attended scores of others. It is at these conferences where I am fortunate to meet and support many friends and new friends alike while also learning from the wisdom of my peers. Nothing will change…I’m passionate about all of the above. But, I do have some news to share with you… As…
Defining Social Media: 2006 – 2010
Social Media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism, one-to-many, to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.
Twitter Trends: Airline Hotlist August 2009
As Twitter adoption travels from the left to the right of Rogersā Diffusion of Innovations Bell Curve, mainstream consumer behavior gathers momentum, manifesting into influential and telling market indicators. This invaluable behavior and sentiment eventually becomes deafening and without actively monitoring and analyzing this movement, we miss opportunities to learn, grow, and help. We need a prescribed lens into the real-time thoughts, observations, and experiences of real people, unfiltered, to make informed decisions and both lead and evolve along with…
Newsflash: There are more men than women speaking about tech
Guest post by Cathy Brooks, read her blog | follow her on Twitter There are more men than women in the tech and new media sectors… I know. Shocking. Joking aside, I thought it was time to take a slightly different whack at the conversational kerfuffle thatās percolated yet again in recent weeks. Yes, that seemingly unsinkable subject ā the lack of women on the tech industry speaking circuit. So when Brian Solis graciously offered me the opportunity to guest…
Gary Vaynerchuk and Brian Solis Discuss Putting the Public Back in Public Relations
I’ve long promised to start shooting and publishing interviews with those whom inspire me. While this isn’t the official debut of this imminent series, it is a representation of what’s possible. In fact, once I complete the writing for the next book, I will place the video series on an accelerated path to production. Nonetheless, Gary Vaynerchuk of WineLibraryTV has written a new book, Crush It, which will hit the market in mid October. While I was in New York…
The State and Future of Communications: An Interview with Kara Swisher
This week, I was invited to speak at the Girls in Tech event in San Francisco as part of its evening discussing and exploring the nuances and opportunities defining and fueling Journalism 2.0.Ā I’ve supported GIT founder Adriana Gascoigne since the beginning and will always help the chapters that now exist around the world. It’s an important organization. The evening was hosted at the San Francisco HQ of MySpace in the city’s South Beach district, which prior to their arrival,…
A Pictorial History of Twitter’s Rise to Pop Culture
Every now and then I discover something that is so captivating, that I have to stop what I’m working on to share it with everyone I know. This is one of them. For those veterans who continue to define Twitter’s role in how we communicate, share and learn, those who have recently made its acquaintance, and those just finding their stride, we all linked through common threads and context that pique our curiosity, stimulate our quest for adventure,Ā expand…