Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Flying to a Higher Altitude with Altimeter Group

Today I have some very special news to share with you – I will be joining Altimeter Group. To help you understand why I decided to make this move, allow me to provide a bit of context.

Over the years, I’ve published my experiences, observations and insights primarily exploring the impact of social technology on marketing, advertising, media, business, communications, and culture.

But within the last couple of years, the two places where I continually gravitate towards more often than less is defining business strategy and bridging the gaps between strategy and execution. As such, I’ve been focusing a considerable amount of my time on helping business leaders define a new era of relevance. As I am doing with my next book, I am expanding my focus from social media and social business to document and contribute to the evolution of an adaptive business.

While I do this work today, I believe that learning is always part of the game. And in gaming, there’s a saying for those who strive to always improve. If you want to get better, play people who truly challenge you. Such is true for my next move.

Today, I’m honored to announce that I’m joining the team at Altimeter Group as Principal. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of calling Charlene Li and Jeremiah Owyang friends, mentors, and also neighbors. I’ve learned so much from them that over time, it was simply a natural progression to move toward an official relationship.

My initial focus at Altimeter is on new media strategies and models to design frameworks, creating bridges between companies and customers, employees, and other important stakeholders. This work will also expand into areas of change management. Joining Altimeter allows me to pursue and develop these ideas with arguably the best minds in the space.

In addition to market research, I will also provide a series of consulting services spanning the following areas:

Strategy Review – Analyze current programs and plans to assess strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

Training/Education – Assist individuals and teams at various levels learn and grow together. Help teams accelerate advanced learning to excel in more sophisticated new media strategy and tactics.

Workflow/Process/Governance – Define guardrails, assess current workflow and optimize for social, and draft playbooks to help engagement teams shine.

Organizational Transformation and Process Innovation – Review current infrastructure for new media and assist in the redesign of team structure to improve collaboration within one department and across organization.

Stakeholder Inspiration – Based on needs or state of company morale, present to troops to inspire creativity and collaboration.

Metrics – Work with engagement teams to develop measurement standards including + program KPIs and ROI.

Intelligence Framework – Assist in development of an intelligence framework to extract insights and trends to develop new strategies, processes, and methodologies.

For those who work with me at FutureWorks, the creative new media consultancy I founded in 1999, I will continue to advise the team there and support clients that are clear of any potential conflicts with my work at Altimeter.

In the mean time, I’m excited to join this amazing team. I’m looking forward to working with Charlene and Jeremiah of course, but I would also like to recognize Lora Cecere, Alan Webber, Susan Etlinger, Andrew Jones, and Christine Tran. Together I know we’ll reach new heights.

I would also like to take a moment to thank Ray Wang (who now runs Constellation Research Group) and Deb Schultz for their help, guidance, and friendship over the years.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for your continued support. Please stay in touch at my new email address, brian [at] altimetergroup [dot] com. If you would like to subscribe to my upcoming research reports, please register here.

Now, take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We are number one on the runway for departure.

If you would like to receive a notification about my first research report, and get invited to the webinar, please sign up using this form

Connect with Brian Solis on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook

104 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Flying to a Higher Altitude with Altimeter Group”

  1. Brian, welcome to the family. We’re honored to have you. See you at the Hangar.

    PS: I steal staplers. just a warning.

  2. Brian, welcome to the family. We’re honored to have you. See you at the Hangar.

    PS: I steal staplers. just a warning.

  3. Bill Handy says:

    Congratulations on this move Brian. Well deserved for both parties.

  4. Bill Handy says:

    Congratulations on this move Brian. Well deserved for both parties.

  5. congrats my friend…

  6. congrats my friend…

  7. Congrats Brian – You are joining a top flight group of people.

  8. Congrats Brian – You are joining a top flight group of people.

  9. Congrats Brian – You are joining a top flight group of people.

  10. Wow, Brian! Congratulations to you and the entire Altimeter gang! Happy flying!

  11. Wow, Brian! Congratulations to you and the entire Altimeter gang! Happy flying!

  12. 40deuce says:

    Congrats Brian!
    Sounds like a great move!

    Sheldon, community manager for Sysomos

  13. Brian, such great exciting news. I look forward to seeing what you have in store at Altimeter! Congrats!

  14. Congrats Brian! great move!

  15. Congratulations Brian! Altimeter is definitely what many businesses need to evolve their businesses into this next century! You along with Charlene and Jeremiah and the whole Altimeter Group can really help provide that guidance and real world execution that is desperately needed, to truly help many businesses evolve!

  16. Congrats to both you and Altimeter Group. Solid pairing. 🙂

  17. Scott Gould says:

    Congratulations Brian – well deserved and a great match.

  18. Congrats Brian. Engage + Open Leadership = a powerful combination! Hope to see you back in Oz soon.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Like chocolate and peanut butter. Congrats, Brian!

  20. Congratulations Brian!

  21. Congrats on the move. I’m excited for you.

  22. Congrats Brian! Exciting new change and looking forward to your continued success and amazingness…

  23. Barbara says:

    Congratulations Brian..seems like a match made in heaven.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations from here…great mashup. Or matchup. Cheers!

  25. Gail Lyon says:

    Congratulations Brian and the Altimeter Group – perfect match!

  26. Gail Lyon says:

    Congratulations Brian and the Altimeter Group – perfect match!

  27. NEENZ says:

    Congratulations Brian! As someone who has followed you and your work since putting my toes in the waters of new and all things social media, I know you will be a tremendous asset to Altimeter. I remain, a true follower. 🙂

  28. robingandhi says:

    Congratulations Brian. Sounds like a great fit.

  29. Adam Helweh says:

    Congratulations Brian. The group at Altimeter keeps getting bigger and better.

  30. cyuskoff says:

    Congratulations, Brian. Fantastic match. Can’t wait to see what will come next. Agree with Adam that Altimeter keeps getting bigger and better!

  31. Wow! Congrats Brian! You together with Jeremiah and Charlene is most definitely an amazing combination. I wish you all the best in your new journey at Altimeter Group!

  32. WOW! All my favorite Social Media Gurus in 1 place: @altimetergroup @briansolis @charleneli @jowyang @AlanWebber @zak_kirchner Congratulations!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Awesome for you and for Alimeter. Wow – what an incredibly smart group of dynamic thought-leaders. #MazelTov

  34. Claire says:

    Brian, congratulations! What a great fit. Claire Celsi

  35. Huge congrats! This is a GREAT fit for you. Can we toast in Austin…champagne, of course. 😉

  36. Congrats Brian – great team you are joining

  37. JEBworks says:

    Congratulations, Brian. Great move and great fit it seems. Look forward to follow this collection of innovative minds.

  38. iconic88 says:

    Congrats Brian on your new adventure!! Your runway is clear, now just watch your staplers from the magnetic fingers of Jeremiah Owyang 😉

    All the best!

  39. Congratz, Brian! A team to be jealous of! 🙂

    PS: looking forward to your next book! You’re filling a significant gap in the field with this. Best of luck

  40. Congratulations, Brian!

  41. Congratulations Brian! 🙂

  42. Congratulations Brian! 🙂

  43. carhughes says:

    Brian, congrats on yet another amazing endeavor that you’ve created. A huge coup for the fantastic Altimeter Group and your contributions there will no doubt enable the firm to continue setting higher industry standards for helping businesses navigate the social media and social technology waters. Look forward to reading/seeing/hearing more great stuff from you and your new team!

  44. Wow! This feels so epic!

    Congrats Brian, Jeremiah, Charlene and the rest of the team.

  45. Congratulations Brian and Altimeter!!

  46. BrettGreene says:

    Perfect move Brian. What a great team Altimeter has created! Congratulations.

  47. Leora Israel says:

    Congrats Brian!

  48. Parry Headrick says:

    What a great move! Congrats, Mr. Solis. Expecting even more great things from you!

  49. Frank_Strong says:

    Wow, that is big news. Congrats, Brian and wishing you well in your new endeavor.

  50. Toby Bloomberg says:

    Congrats! Brian and to the smart folks at Altimeter for the awesome hire!

  51. Toby Bloomberg says:

    Congrats! Brian and to the smart folks at Altimeter for the awesome hire!

  52. Congratulations Brian!

  53. JD Lasica says:

    Wow, this is HUGE news for our sector. Congrats, Brian, and congrats to Altimeter for a great catch.

    I was planning on calling both Brian & Jeremiah this week regarding a proposal, so this saves me a phone call …

  54. leeodden says:

    Big score for Altimeter Group – congratulations Brian!

  55. Dalka says:

    Good luck with this change Brian, I share your views on the future of business strategy and change management.

    Hopefully our paths will cross on that at some point….

  56. Congrats! Can’t wait to come visit all of you at the Altimeter offices!

  57. Congratulations to Brian and to the team at Altimeter – a great addition! I still need to get down and see the office someday, sorry I won’t be at SXSW this year.

  58. David Baeza says:

    I’m thrilled for you Brian. You’re joining a world class team, and they are fortunate to have you.

    All the best!

  59. David Alston says:

    Congrats on the new gig Brian!

  60. Congrats, Brian. Having worked with Altimeter at last year’s Rise of Social Commerce conference, I can attest to how amazing the entire group is. Cheers to you and your continued future success.

  61. Glenn Raines says:

    Good going Brian to set the bridge from strategy to execution >> The timing is right! Congrats.

  62. Congrats, Brian!! BTW, are we still going to see you at this blog?

  63. Dave Mathews says:

    Awesome! Glad to see such a dream team together! You all own it in the space!

  64. themaria says:

    Congratulations!!!! This is a win-win-win for all sides! I am expecting to see amazing things from this partnership, and of course this calls for some, ahem, celebration at SXSW! 🙂

  65. Dave Doolin says:

    This just makes so much sense. It’s totally cliche to say it, but I’m going to say it anyway: “It’s a no-brainer.”

  66. drewolanoff says:

    Congrats Brian! Perfect fit!!

  67. Congrats!!! Enjoy the new gig!!!

  68. Congratulations Brian and way to go Altimeter Group can’t wait to see what’s up next from this great new team!

  69. fredericguarino says:

    Félicitations Brian, this a great pairing !

  70. Christopher Carfi says:

    Congratulations, sir.

  71. rmsorg says:

    Congratulations Brian! What an incredible trio you all will be! Looking forward to see how you will help to shape business and media in the future.

  72. Jennifer says:

    Brian, Congratulations! What an awesome happening for you and Altimeter. Great pairing.

  73. Bkjrecruiter says:

    WOW Brian, so excited for you guys… This is what I would call a “DREAM TEAM”… Best to ALL, Brian-

  74. Remy Bergsma says:

    Congrats and good luck – sounds like a dream team 🙂

  75. marcusnelson says:

    I see convergence happening all around…
    Nice to know I only have to make one visit to the office to see everyone now 🙂

  76. Ira J Cohen says:

    So happy for all of you Brian. Congratulations & best wishes for great success ahead from the power of you three!

  77. I was so off the grid yesterday I missed your big news!!!

    Congrats – to both you and the Altimeter Group folks. You know, this just rocks.

  78. I was so off the grid yesterday I missed your big news!!!

    Congrats – to both you and the Altimeter Group folks. You know, this just rocks.

  79. Congrats Brian! Good luck with with your new move – look forward to seeing you at the Dell Huddle on the 17th!

  80. Janet Herin says:

    Congratultions, Brian, and thanks for your encouragement. Started tweeting last week! Looking forward to your book.

  81. Erick Mott says:

    Congratulations. A good move for Brian, the A-Team and community.

  82. Aaron Howard says:

    Brian, this is very cool! A true “Winning Combination” of great people. Too bad Jeremiah steals stablers. Looks like a 12-step opportunity. In any case, it will be fun to see you all in action together. Aaron

  83. Elyse says:

    Fabulous, Brian. Would the FCC be concerned about all of that brain power in one spot? Will continue to follow you all – now we just have to look to one spot. Kudos to all.

  84. Good move Brian! Congrats!

  85. Wendy Soucie says:

    A Great team to watch for sure.

  86. What a mighty triumvirate! Congrats to Brian, Jeremiah and Charlene

  87. Helen Nowicka says:

    Many congratulations Brian. You, Charlene and Jeremiah are among the sharpest and smartest minds in this space right now and will be a formidable combination. Looking forward to hearing you speak in London on March 17.

  88. Thanks a lot to share your views with us regarding business strategy and techniques for bridging gaps between strategy-execution, I think Altimeter helps effectively to measure expand into areas of change management.

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