Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: 2009

Twitter Bowl 2009: And the Winners are…

Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Heuer, Louis Gray, Guy Kawasaki, and Jesse Stay (founder of SocialToo) and I hosted the second annual Twitter Bowl 2009 during the big game – additional history here. Jesse Stay worked tirelessly to help us create a scalable and efficient system on SocialToo to track and share votes on Twitter. Thank you Jesse. Now let’s take a look at the play-by-play and the final score in this year’s Twitter Bowl 2009. As Michael Pilla stated on Twitter,…

Introducing the 2009 Twitter Bowl; Rate Your Favorite Super Bowl Ads on Twitter

Note: to bypass the background story and skip straight to the instructions for Twitter Bowl, click here. In 2008, Jeremiah Owyang had a great idea to extend the conversation about Super Bowl ads from my living onto Twitter. Chris Heuer, Stephanie Agresta, Darryl Siry, Ben Metcalfe, Eric Gonzales, and I quickly supported the idea and set up a series of Twitter stations to kick things off. Josh Bernoff of Forrester analyzed 2,500 tweets and organized the results into an impressive…

Tracking the Obama Inauguration Across the Social Web: PeopleBrowsr Helps You Listen and Engage

Disclosure, I’m an adviser to PeopleBrowsr… In early December, we released a public alpha of PeopleBrowsr, an attention-centered dashboard for managing your online relationships, brand management, and communication in Twitter and across multiple social networks – all from one place. The public alpha is running incredibly well and thanks to everyone who contributed feedback, ideas, and recommendations, the public beta will be even more incredible. If you’re a brand manager, communications or customer service professional, community manager, or on the…

PR 2.0: Must Read Posts of 2008

It’s easy to lose sight of the beacons and milestones that resonate, influence and guide us as we navigate through these evolutionary times. After all, we’re deluged with education, lessons, and insight from so many brilliant leaders and inspirational voices, that it’s practically impossible to retain and reference all that moved us when we’re moved on a minute-by-minute basis. Our attention and relationships are more precious than ever. As 2008 comes to a close, I wanted to share with you…

Social Media Predictions for 2009 – Introducing Social Syndication and Aggregation

My good friend Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Junta42 content and custom publishing network, has compiled an impressive list of 47 social media and content marketing experts to share their advice and predictions for 2009. The list includes insight from renown pundits and visionaries including: Paul Bradshaw David Meerman Scott Scott Monty Sally Falkow Jason Falls Toby Bloomberg Marc Meyer Ann Handley Paul Gillin Valeria Maltoni Here’s my prediction: Brand marketers will continue to experiment with existing and emerging forms…

2009, The Year of Social Aggregation & Syndication: Scrapplet Paves the Way

I have had the privilege to help guide, mold, and launch many companies over the years. The Social Web, and its supporting community, influence the development of innovative, rich and useful applications. The socialization and metamorphosis of content creation, discovery and distribution continues to inspire and strengthen my passion for participating in its evolution. Recently, PeopleBrowsr made its Public Alpha debut to become the dashboard for your distributed social graph, starting with Twitter. Currently, I’m working with Steve Repetti on…

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