Bryan Adams hosts a great podcast on creativity and storytelling called “Getting Goosebumps.” Shortly after publishing X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, Bryan invited me to be on the show and I’m sure glad he did! What a great conversation! I’ve included it below… Getting Back to Customer Centricity with Brian Solis For this week’s episode of Getting Goosebumps, I had the chance to chat to Brian Solis. Brian’s the principal analyst at Altimeter Group and a sought after keynote speaker….
Brian Solis and Lifescale Are Referenced In Hubb Blog Article On Changing Industry Conference Models
Solis’ new book Lifescale is referenced in a Hubb article by Dan Gingiss (Chief Experience Officer of Winning Customer Experience, LLC) called “The Old Industry Conference Model is Broken.” The article focuses on the questionable content of industry conferences due to the methods by which many industry events seek out speakers. Gingiss takes the view that “The sales team is interested in funding the event with corporate sponsors, so they offer up speaking opportunities as a ‘carrot’ to those willing…
In the Future of Work, Technology is Both a Problem and Solution
As a digital analyst and anthropologist, I’ve studied over the last 20 years, the evolution of disruptive technology and its effect on business philosophies and models. At the same time, I’ve also studied disruptive technology’s impact on society and human behavior. If I had to share just one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s that markets are splintering into two notable camps: 1) traditional and 2) hyper-connected aka Generation-C (connected). While this may at first glance seem either obvious…
This is the Ultimate Catalyst for Change…is You
Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. I was invited to speak at a Bayer innovation event in Germany to the executives responsible for leading digital transformation. As I was sharing my work and observations, I noticed a different kind of graphic recorder was present. Rather than illustrating the conversation in real-time, the talk was presented as an actual digitally printed banner moments after the key segments of the talk. Here is a visual summary… This is the ultimate catalyst…
Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Summarized In DEFI: La Mode de France Report
A world in search of meaning Introduction Austin brings together the world’s largest festival of innovations every year under the SxSW (South by South West) banner. The entire Austin center is mobilized and thousands of volunteers participate enthusiastically in the organization. This is a major event, unclassifiable and unavoidable. It brings together in one event that lasts 15 days: Conferences on all innovations, be they social or technological. They were divided this year into 25 major themes. A music…
Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Detailed DEFI: La Mode De France’s Un monde en quête de sens (FRENCH)
Un monde qui se bIpolarIse en quête de sens Austin rassemble chaque année le festival d’innovations le plus important au monde sous le vocable SxSW (South by South West). Tout le centre d’Austin est mobilisé et des milliers de bénévoles participent avec enthousiasme à l’organisation. Il s’agit d’un évènement majeur, inclassable et incontournable. Il réunit en un seul évènement qui dure 15 jours : Des conférences sur toutes les innovations qu’elles soient sociales, technologiques. Elles se répartissaient cette…
Brian Solis Discusses Digital Darwinism and The Future of Business On Business2Community
In an article called “Could Your Business Die from Digital Darwinism: Brian Solis Reveals,” Solis discussed these issues with Adam Franklin, an international social media speaker and marketing manager at @Bluewire Media, the Australian based web strategy firm he co-owns. Solis defines digital Darwinism as this era when society and technology are evolving faster than the ability for many businesses to adapt. He says, “We’re seeing businesses incorporate new technology into the organization, but it’s not just a technology solution….
Brian Solis Is Interviewed On Revoo Blog Podcast People Tell Richard Stuff
Solis was interviewed by Reevoo Founder and entrepreneur Richard Anson, who on his podcast People Tell Richard Stuff tracks down the marketers, businesspeople and characters he admires for a half-hour chat about how they got started, where they’re going and what’s happening in their industry. Solis and Anson covered a wide range of topics: Online/offline mergers and acquisitions (like Amazon/Whole Foods) and the strategy behind them; Why removing beers from the office can be a fatal move; Digital transformation done…
Brian Solis Interviewed By CMO Ahead of His Appearance at Adobe Summit EMEA
In an article called “#MillennialMarketer Live Chat With Brian Solis,” writer Simon Morris, Director, Demand & Content Marketing, Adobe Systems Europe, interviews Solis ahead of his appearance at the Adobe Summit EMEA. At the event, Solis discussed “The Human API – Plugging into the Source of Human Engagement.” Solis spoke as part of the Innovations and thought leaders track, sponsored by The piece includes an interesting quote about millennials by Solis: “Millennials are different as customers but they’re also…
Brian Solis Tells MyCustomer How To Identify and Establish A Brand’s Moments of Truth
In an article by MyCustomer editor Chris Ward, Solis discusses the elements to consider in the process of establishing a brand’s moments of truth. Ward begins by mentioning the four moments of truth that can help businesses improve customer experiences, as Solis chronicled in his 2013 book “What’s The Future of Business?” These are: Zero Moment of Truth: The term coined by Google to explain the event in which people now search for information online and make decisions about brands…