Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Article Awarding Pegasystems Mentions Brian Solis and His PegaWorld Keynote on AI

Article Awarding Pegasystems Mentions Brian Solis and His PegaWorld Keynote on AI

In an extensive article on ZDNet extolling the virtues of software giant Pegasystems and why they were a CRM Watchlist 2019 winner, Paul Greenberg – President of the customer strategy consulting firm The 56 Group, LLC – mentions Solis (an “uber-thought leader”) in reference to his keynote on artificial intelligence (AI) in the enterprise at the recent PegaWorld 2019. In the CX section of a part of the article devoted to Pegasystems’ corporate narrative, Greenberg writes: “To the credit of…

Brian Solis’ Keynote at PegaWorld 2019: The Humanization of CX In an Era of AI

Brian Solis’ Keynote at PegaWorld 2019: The Humanization of CX In an Era of AI

“Pegasystems at PegaWorld showed their evolution toward the customer-facing emotional and behavioral by bringing uber-thought leader Brian Solis to keynote on the connected customer and customer experience. This signified a real evolution in Pega’s thinking yet, if you looked at their case studies and listened to the messaging, it was clear that they hadn’t forgotten their roots in BPM.” – Paul Greenberg, ZDNet In a keynote at PegaWorld 2019, Solis – billed on their site as a “leading digital anthropologist,…

Lifescaling Your Brand: Brian Solis Offers 4 Solutions on CMO

Lifescaling Your Brand: Brian Solis Offers 4 Solutions on CMO

Sharing important research that helped him write his new book Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life, Brian Solis offers “4 Ways to ‘Lifescale’ Your Brand” in an insightful piece on the CMO platform. The piece is centered around ways to deliver value from the point of view of the customer’s experience. He found a few places to start in order to rise above the noise and make a positive impression on distracted customers. #1 is…

Brian Solis Chosen as A Top 10 Digital Marketing Influencer By TrackMyHashtag

Brian Solis Chosen as A Top 10 Digital Marketing Influencer By TrackMyHashtag

Solis made TrackMyHashtag’s list of Top 10 Influencers in a piece by Adwit Mishra titled “Top 10 Influencers Profiles (Digital Marketing). His listing includes links to his Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and his website He is described in the “Introduction” section as “an independent digital analyst, a keynote speaker, advisor, thinker and best-selling author. He studies enterprise and consumer technologies to understand its impact on businesses, markets and society.” Read the entire article here:  

Trust in the Digital Age

Trust in the Digital Age

“We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Source What is trust? According to Merriam-Webster, it is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Yet go on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or pretty much any social network, with the exception of TikTok, on any given day, and you’ll see truth debated and facts disregarded among your own friends and family. Now, conspiracy theories, disinformation, #fakenews, bots, paid…

Meltwater Quotes Brian Solis in Article About User/Consumer Behavior

Meltwater Quotes Brian Solis in Article About User/Consumer Behavior

In an article by Wesley Matthew on the Meltwater site called “Tackling Trends in User Behaviour: What’s Hot and How to Stay on Top of It All,” the writer quote “the famous words” of Solis to support his thesis exploring the changing behaviors of consumers in an ever-shifting digital landscape. Solis’ quote is short but to the point, and, in Matthew’s estimation, ring true for various touchpoints: “Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” Matthew uses the…

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

We live in an era of #DigitalDarwinism. These are disruptive times and they challenge everyone…leaders and executives…employees, customers, and partners…and, you and me. AI, Crypto, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, AR/VR, facial recognition, wearables, IoT/IIoT, 5G, automation and 20 other disruptive technologies will only continue to change everything as we know it. Digital transformation, innovation, and new leadership are needed to survive and thrive. The future either happens to us or because of us. I’ve spent my entire career as a digital…

Brian Solis Shares 5 Laws of Resilient Innovation via Singularity U

Brian Solis Shares 5 Laws of Resilient Innovation via Singularity U

Reflective of its title “5 Laws of Resilient Innovation,” an article posted on the Singularity University site, Brian Solis shares his observation of trends and best practices that help businesses explore ways forward. Solis starts the piece talking about his concept of Digital Darwinism and why in this current world, companies need to adapt…or die. “Right now,” he writes, “there are new breeds of investors, startups, competitors, and operating models with the sole purpose of exploiting vulnerabilities. In themselves, this…

Brian Solis Served as Keynote Speaker at the 2019 Texas Municipal League Conference

Brian Solis Served as Keynote Speaker at the 2019 Texas Municipal League Conference

In a press release centered on design build construction firm Ramtech Building Systems of Mansfield, Texas, Solis is mentioned as the keynote speaker of the 2019 Texas Municipal League annual conference and exhibition at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center on October 9-11 in San Antonio, Texas. The annual conference drew more than 3,000 appointed and elected government leaders that represent over 300 Texas cities. The conference began October 9 with Solis’ keynote address on “Escaping from Distractions to Live…

Marriott International Prioritizes Innovation in Guest Experience to Cultivate Brand Loyalty and Drive Growth

Marriott International Prioritizes Innovation in Guest Experience to Cultivate Brand Loyalty and Drive Growth

There’s an old adage in business: A happy customer is a loyal customer. Focus on driving loyalty, and you cultivate a customer relationship that is not only special, but also incredibly rewarding for the business over a longer period of time. By putting loyalty at the center of everything, loyal customers become proud stewards of the brand, advocating their experiences and going out of their way to spend more time and money with the brand. In any given category, their…

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