Marcia W. DiStaso and Denise Sevick Bortree recently published a university-level textbook to address an important topic by the same name, The Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations. As they were wrapping up the editing of the book, I was asked to contribute the foreword. Upon reading some of the manuscript, the answer was, YES! Of course, I asked if I could share it here with you and I’m happy to announce that it’s included below… About The…
Brian Solis to Open MIT Platform Strategy Summit
MIT is pleased to announce a special summit covering platform-centered economics and management, which will take place on Friday July 25th, 2014. This event will gather a global community of executives to explore the economics and management of platform-centered markets and discuss their implications for managers, industry and governmental policy. Brian Solis will present the opening keynote. Other incredible speakers include: Ming Zen (CSO of Alibaba), Rich Miner (Founder Google Android), JP Rangaswami (CSO Salesforce), Andrew Rosenthal (CSO Jawbone), Peter…
Broadcast Yourself(ie): If You Think Gen Y is Different, Wait Until You Meet Generation Z
How teens use social media and why it matters to you. Generation Z = (Today’s Teens, Preteens and Children) If you want a glimpse of the future of technology and its impact on society, study how younger generations interact with one another today. While everyone is talking about Millennials these days, there’s another, potential more disruptive generation behind them…Generation Z. With the sting of a face palm, you’ll experience a sheer rush of humility as you realize that everything you…
Clay Christensen vs. Jill Lepore – Brian Solis Weighs in at CMSWire
CMSWire’s Noreen Seebacher tackled the recent brouhaha between Harvard’s Clay Christensen and Jill Lepore over “Disruptive Innovation.” Seebacher reached out to leading experts including Jeff Dachis, Professor Howard Yu and Brian Solis to debate the debate. Excerpt from “What’s the Deal with Disruptive Innovation?“ Brian Solis: Living in Silicon Valley, the word disruption is heard as often as “please” and “thank you.” I’m exaggerating of course, but in all seriousness, there’s an unsaid belief in the technology businesses that all…
Video: Brian Solis Keynote at DM Prisen, Copenhagen
Brian Solis recently keynoted Direct Marketing Prisen in Copenhagen on behalf of postnord, the holding company of two merged postal companies Posten AB and Post Danmark. Print isn’t dead. Digital isn’t the endgame. Brian’s presentation explored the need to and importance of finding the balance between offline and online, print and digital. Please take a moment to watch his thought-provoking presentation, “This so-called digital life and what does it all mean?” Coming Megatrends in Marketing’s Giselle Abramovich interviewed four industry experts including Brian Solis to explore the megatrends marketers should be paying attention to over the next five years. Following is an excerpt of the interview between Brian and Giselle… Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, told The first megatrend I see is the unionization of the marketing and IT function into a new division aimed at improving the customer and employee experiences. This will expedite the process of aligning tech investments…
CMSWire: Investing in Digital and Social Improves Customer Relationships
CMSWire, an online magazine that focuses on customer experience and business information management recently tackled the subject of whether or not digital and social improves customer relationships. Author Noreen Seebacher writes… Life has become increasingly complex for modern marketers. In the not so distant past, all anyone expected them to do was identify, acquire and retain customers. Now they’re expected to build long-term relationships with them — and as anyone who has ever had a partner or a spouse can…
Unicorns, Startups, and Giants: The New Billion Dollar Benchmark in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is more than a place, it’s a movement. While many debate where the “next” Silicon Valley will gain prominence, the point that many onlookers miss is that innovation is at the heart of the crusade. Whether it’s in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, India, et al., innovation is global and its sole purpose is to disrupt our way of life…for the better of course. Just because things have always been done a…
Reuters: Bay Area techies ditch phones, tablets at ‘digital detox’ camp
Reuters’ Christina Farr recently attended a digital detox camp. She shared her experience and also reported on the rise of the technology cleanse trend. The article features thoughts from Brian Solis, who also studies the digital impact on society. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19 (Reuters) – Tired of the social media treadmill and hoping to unplug for a couple days? Consider this fast-growing summer camp three hours outside of San Francisco, where the first ritual involves handing over your personal electronics…
Yo. Srsly?
App: Yo. User: Yo App: Yo User: Yo, sup? App: Yo User: Yo, you for real? App: Yo User: Yo, I’m out. A new app that lets you send “yo” to friends is real and its initial $1 million investment is also real. Merriam-Webster defines the word “yo” as an interjection used to grab someone’s attention. Yo certainly has done just that by grabbing everyone’s attention. Yo defines “yo” as “The simplest & most efficient communication tool in the world….