Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

TheNextWeb Revists Brian Solis Amsterdam Keynote on Digital Disruption

Via TNW No one will remember your failures, but everyone will remember your success. Digital marketing analyst Brian Solis thinks we are living in very disruptive time and this is the time to change the future. Digital disruption is happening to us and it is happening because of us. Brian says that the rules are there to be broken because it isn’t the past that can hold us back. It’s the future and how we undermine it today. We’ve just…

The Expertise Gap is Real and Employees Need Your Attention Now

The Expertise Gap is Real and Employees Need Your Attention Now

The biggest challenge is not in the understanding or expertise associated with new technology. We can learn that. The biggest problem is our inability to recognize that the experience we have today is not the experience we need going forward. A notable separation exists between the expertise people have or are learning and the jobs companies need to hire for in an increasingly digital economy. This means that current employees possess expertise to perform jobs that are losing prominence in…

DMNews: 8 Digital Transformation Tips

Elyse Dupre of DMNews attended Brian Solis’ keynote presentation at the ONE Teradata Marketing Festival in Las Vegas. Dupre found the content compelling enough to translate it into a useful, playbook style article, “8 Digital Transformation Tips.” Reprint of the article is below… Innovation takes more than just technology; it takes people. Consumer behavior is constantly evolving. According to a 2014 Altimeter Group report, mobile, social, and real-time technology trends (or what venture capitalist Fred Wilson refers to as the…

Working for More Than a Living

Working for More Than a Living

Special guest post by Tom Rath, author of Are You Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life The concept of bringing people together in groups, tribes, or organizations is based on the fundamental premise that human beings can do more collectively than they can in isolation. Hundreds of years ago, people banded together for the sake of sharing food and shelter and keeping their family safe. The basic assumption was that the association gained by joining a…

SmartCompany: Seven tips to digitally transform your business

by Cara Waters, SmartCompany (original article) We are in the era of digital transformation, according to Brian Solis, business strategist and futurist at Altimeter. Speaking at NetSuite’s SuiteWorld conference in San Jose yesterday Solis outlined how businesses can undertake digital transformation. 1. Put humans first Solis says too many businesses approach digital transformation from a technology perspective. But humans are at the heart of digital transformation, according to Solis. “At the end of the day it’s all about human beings…

Adobe Summit: entre techno et «human API»

Chaque année, l’événement Adobe Summit réunit à Londres les acteurs du marketing digital. En 2014, le thème fort était centré sur la transformation digitale des entreprises. Cette année, c’est la concrétisation et l’intégration des différentes solutions, notamment mobiles, qui ont été débattues. Reportage et interview de Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Pierre Casanova (DG d’Adobe France), Minter Dial (Netexplo). Brian appears at 3:25. Adobe Summit: entre techno et Human API by frenchweb

Brian Solis to Keynote Digital Marketing One to One in Biarritz, France

Brian Solis to Keynote Digital Marketing One to One in Biarritz, France

18H15 – 19H15 : Plénière Cycle  “Be inspired 2/3: Engager”  avec Brian SOLIS, analyst chez Altimeter Group Le futur du Marketing n’est pas le Marketing Brian Solis est l’un des experts mondiaux les plus éminents dans le domaine des médias sociaux, des marques et de l’influence. Analyste numérique, futurologue, il est classé parmi le top 10 des marketing gurus a suivre, suivi par des millions de personnes sur Twitter et au travers de son blog. Il nous fait l’honneur de venir partager avec…

When You Share Experiences You Help Strangers Make Decisions

Whether you realize it or not, when you share an experience you have, whether it’s through a post, review, video, image, rant, praise, etc., it helps a stranger make a decision about what to do next. Customers aren’t following the customer journey you designed because they’re too busy hacking it. No matter how much journey work you do, no matter how creative your marketing, no matter how responsive your website is, no matter how much technology you invest in, customers…

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