Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital transformation has officially become a ubiquitous term that describes any company’s investment in digital infrastructure regardless of ultimate vision and intention. But, unless digital transformation takes a technology-second and a customer/employee first approach, investments will be unaligned with market evolution and more importantly, human behaviors, preferences and expectations. Technology is just a means to power business transformation. But technology can only get part of the job done. You need people. And, like technology, people are changing. Each time I…

SnapChat Changes Name and Focus; Snap, Inc. Now a Digital Lifestyle Company

SnapChat Changes Name and Focus; Snap, Inc. Now a Digital Lifestyle Company

SnapChat officially changed its name to Snap, Inc. as the company restyles itself from a one-[major] hit app company into a digital lifestyle brand. To mark the occasion, Snap, Inc. introduced Spectacles, fashion and tech-forward sunglasses that record 10-second clips, which can then be uploaded to SnapChat Memories via wifi. Following the Apple playbook, Snap, Inc. also designed a fashionable case that doubles as a charger. Spectacles will be available this Fall and will cost $130. Spectacles are the result…

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

Learning to do things differently will have a positive impact on your business. Recently, I had the chance to talk with Deep Patel for Entrepreneur to discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding digital Darwinism. In the conversation, I  shared some of my work and observations about how living in an era of great disruption will ultimately humanize business (at least I hope). Following is a summary of our conversation and five prescriptions for surviving and thriving an era of digital Darwinism… 1. Reimagine yourself in an era…

Human-centered CX: Uniting stakeholders across the enterprise

Human-centered CX: Uniting stakeholders across the enterprise

Customer experience is said to be a top business priority for most companies around the world. Many experts agree that investing in CX establishes a competitive advantage against companies that choose to solely prioritise the bottom line. While customer experience is a noble and important catalyst for business transformation, becoming truly customer-centric requires an introspective approach. This takes stepping back to define what customer experience really means from the customer’s perspective – what they truly value and also what’s primed,…

CMO by Adobe: Four Marketing Leaders Suggest What Trends Matter [Video]

CMO by Adobe: Four Marketing Leaders Suggest What Trends Matter [Video]

Savvy marketers understand that shifts in how consumers use digital media and technology are key to spotting marketing trends. But the plethora of platforms, devices, and technology out there today makes it difficult to distinguish passing fads from long-term opportunities.

To that end, in the video, above, the heads of marketing at Comedy Central and Cirque du Soleil, plus a pair of well-known industry analysts, talk about the consumer trends they are watching.

Business MAG Albania: Brian Solis — “NĂ«se jeni nĂ« SparkMe, po mundoheni tĂ« ndryshoni botĂ«n

Business MAG Albania: Brian Solis — “NĂ«se jeni nĂ« SparkMe, po mundoheni tĂ« ndryshoni botĂ«n

Përshëndetje! Më duhet ta them këtë. Ky është një vend vërtet i veçantë, në një konferencë të veçantë në një vend të mrekullueshëm. Por ja si qëndron çështja, nëse po e ndiqni këtë, do të thotë se po bëni diçka që ka rëndësi për ju, po mundoheni të ndryshoni botën. Ne kemi nevojë për më shumë njerëz si ju, për të thyer rregullat, për të sfiduar, për të shpikur dhe për të shtruar rrugën që të tjerët mund ta ndjekin në një botë që nuk është vetëm dixhitale, por në një botë që përmirësohet, bëhet më angazhuese, më e thellë dhe më e rëndësishme. Ju uroj gjithë të mirat.

TippNews DAILY: Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

TippNews DAILY: Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

Brian Solis is the only blog on this list that’s ran by a single digital marketing expert. All of the other blogs consist of a marketing team dedicated to writing their blog as well. However, Solis enjoys writing so much he’s actually written several best-selling books about business, content management, and digital marketing including “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design,” “What’s the Future of Business?: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences,” and “Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web.” Currently he’s ranked as one of the world’s leading sources of information when it comes to the future of business, technology, and marketing. The nice thing about this blog though is it has a personal touch the other blogs on this list are lacking. You needn’t worry about whether or not reading a blog by a single author is a good idea either because Solis has lots of experience and ability, as well as a great reputation to back him and his blog up.

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