Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


CNET: Facebook Live — Where a YouTube star can earn like an Olympic icon

CNET: Facebook Live — Where a YouTube star can earn like an Olympic icon

It’s exactly at a place like VidCon that you realize even though “internet famous” might still smack of a lower worth than “Hollywood famous,” the line is blurring.

“[Younger millennials and Generation Z] are not watching television, they’re not reading magazines the way that younger generations did before them,” Solis said. “Their idols are these online creators because their mobile phone is their television screen.”

Más Movilidad: Brian Solis — ‘Las empresas necesitan una cultura centrada en el cliente’

Más Movilidad: Brian Solis — ‘Las empresas necesitan una cultura centrada en el cliente’

La palabra “fracaso” se considera en gran medida una deshonra en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Dentro de ciertos sectores, la palabra puede tener diferentes connotacionEles. Por ejemplo, en la comunidad startup, en todo el mundo, hay una filosofía predominante de que promueve la experimentación y el aprendizaje “Fail Fast. Fail Forward”.

Brandwatch: Brian Solis’ Thoughts on Disruption, Innovation and the Future of Marketing

Brandwatch: Brian Solis’ Thoughts on Disruption, Innovation and the Future of Marketing

I’m usually not the most loved person in a room when I come into a business, because my message is about bringing about change, and the people who are in that room have to be ready to hear that message and do something about it.

Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist, once said, ‘We all talk of change, but none of us talk about changing ourselves’.

The future of marketing – the future of anything really – requires that we take a step back in order to take all of these insights, to actually bring them to life as insights and convert them into things that matter.

QuickBase: Digital Maturity — Who Gets the Ball Rolling? Brian Solis Interview

QuickBase: Digital Maturity — Who Gets the Ball Rolling? Brian Solis Interview

Solis says that many leaders incorrectly assume that pursuing digital transformation is the job of the IT department. “If you were to follow the findings of many other reports, you would believe that the secret to digital transformation was all about technology and how the modernization of work was the key to success. The truth is that it’s a far more human story. There are changes happening to and because of people in your markets,” he says.

1to1 Media: Taking a Deep Dive into Digital Customer Engagement

Customers today are driven by three things: intent, context, and immediacy, observes Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, a Prophet company. “The digital-first customer has very little brand loyalty; if your solution meets his needs at that moment in time, he’ll choose you,” he says. “That’s why contextual data and insights have become very important for businesses.”

Search Strategy Marketing: Digital Business Transformation

Search Strategy Marketing: Digital Business Transformation

Groundbreaking research from Altimeter, a Prophet Company, has defined the six stages of digital transformation. And as a HubSpot agency, this is what we do for companies on a day-to-day basis. This brief introduction will help you determine where in this journey your company resides and give you ideas and tools on how to move ahead as a change agent. Study authors Brian Solis and Jaimy Szymanski note, “We live in an era of ‘Digital Darwinism,’ where society and technology evolve faster than the ability to adapt.” Disruptive technologies are affecting market dynamics and how businesses must respond to them. Instead of throwing up their hands and entrenching themselves in the old ways of doing business, Solis and Szymanski offer hope and a pathway for businesses to adapt to these constant changes through digital transformation.

IAB Polska:  IAB Forum 2016 – Interview with Brian Solis

IAB Polska: IAB Forum 2016 – Interview with Brian Solis

by: IAB Polska Wywiad nakręcony podczas 10. edycji Forum IAB pod hasłem: Customer experience. Jak tworzyć rozwiązania, które konsumenci pokochają? Konferencja odbyła się 8-9 czerwca 2016 w Złotych Tarasach. Brian Solis, futurysta, antropolg digitalu. Principal Analyst at Altimeter, Prophet Company, był jednym z prelegentów. Brian Solis jest uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych liderów, mówców i najlepiej rozpoznawanych autorów piszących o innowacji i digitalowej trasformacji. Jego nowa książka: „X: The Experience When Business Meets Design”, pokazuje, jak ważne są doświadczenia użytkownika…

Onalytica: Digital Transformation, Top 100 Influencers and Brands

Onalytica: Digital Transformation, Top 100 Influencers and Brands

“Digital transformation is a movement progressing without a universal map to guide businesses through proven and productive passages. This leaves organizations pursuing change from a known, safe approach that correlates with “business as usual” practices. Operating within the confines of traditional paradigms without purpose or vision eventually challenges the direction, capacity, and agility for thriving in a digital economy.”

Shutterstock: Bottling a Brand, How Alcohol Branding Differs from Beer to Wine to Liquor

Shutterstock: Bottling a Brand, How Alcohol Branding Differs from Beer to Wine to Liquor

“If you think of the wine and beer industries, many labels look the same — same shape, same back label, even similar websites,” Solis said. Many companies put craftsmanship above marketing, but the fact is that quality isn’t enough. “The word ‘brand’ means there’s something behind it that becomes relatable and shareable, and that takes some work,” he explained. “A great product is not going to be enjoyed if people don’t buy it and talk about it.”

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