Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Inc.: 19 CMOs Reveal What They’re Eager to Read this Fall

Inc.: 19 CMOs Reveal What They’re Eager to Read this Fall

by Shama Hyder, Inc.   CREDIT: Getty Images   Since both my books, Momentum: How to Propel Your Marketing and Transform Your Brand in the Digital Age, and The Zen of Social Media Marketing (4th Edition), are on bookshelves now, I’ve finally turned towards curating my own reading list for the fall. For the ideal reading recommendations, I turned to some leading CMOs. Here are what 19 CMOs are eager to read this season: […] 12. Lisa Petrilli – CMO…

Inc.: 21 Business Books Worth Reading at Least Once a Year

Inc.: 21 Business Books Worth Reading at Least Once a Year

We live in a customer-centric world where consumers increasingly want to experience things – whether that’s in-store or online. Meaningful experiences will shape the success of tomorrow’s businesses. This book could be interpreted as a book for large organizations looking for marginal gains over competitors, however we can all learn from this book. If your customer service hasn’t been deliberately mapped and designed, you’re already behind the curve. This book is a comprehensive ‘step by step’ guide to achieving world-class customer experience. It took Brian 2 years to write and produce and I read this book 3 times over and over when I first bought it. It’s a modern business “must-read.”

Marketing & More: Royale les — website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints?

Marketing & More: Royale les — website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints?

by: Marketing & More [Excerpt] Royale les: website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints? We zijn eerlijk gezegd niet zo’n grote fan van de monarchie. Maar je hoeft niet altijd fan van iets te zijn om er vak-gerelateerde lessen uit te trekken. Zo is het maar net met Trump of de N-VA. Je hoeft het niet met hen eens te zijn om in te zien dat ze vanuit marketing-standpunt best boeiend om volgen zijn. Eerder deze maand passeerde een opmerkelijk bericht…

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