Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


CMO by Adobe: Four Marketing Leaders Suggest What Trends Matter [Video]

CMO by Adobe: Four Marketing Leaders Suggest What Trends Matter [Video]

Savvy marketers understand that shifts in how consumers use digital media and technology are key to spotting marketing trends. But the plethora of platforms, devices, and technology out there today makes it difficult to distinguish passing fads from long-term opportunities.

To that end, in the video, above, the heads of marketing at Comedy Central and Cirque du Soleil, plus a pair of well-known industry analysts, talk about the consumer trends they are watching.

Business MAG Albania: Brian Solis — “Nëse jeni në SparkMe, po mundoheni të ndryshoni botën

Business MAG Albania: Brian Solis — “Nëse jeni në SparkMe, po mundoheni të ndryshoni botën

Përshëndetje! Më duhet ta them këtë. Ky është një vend vërtet i veçantë, në një konferencë të veçantë në një vend të mrekullueshëm. Por ja si qëndron çështja, nëse po e ndiqni këtë, do të thotë se po bëni diçka që ka rëndësi për ju, po mundoheni të ndryshoni botën. Ne kemi nevojë për më shumë njerëz si ju, për të thyer rregullat, për të sfiduar, për të shpikur dhe për të shtruar rrugën që të tjerët mund ta ndjekin në një botë që nuk është vetëm dixhitale, por në një botë që përmirësohet, bëhet më angazhuese, më e thellë dhe më e rëndësishme. Ju uroj gjithë të mirat.

TippNews DAILY: Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

TippNews DAILY: Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

Brian Solis is the only blog on this list that’s ran by a single digital marketing expert. All of the other blogs consist of a marketing team dedicated to writing their blog as well. However, Solis enjoys writing so much he’s actually written several best-selling books about business, content management, and digital marketing including “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design,” “What’s the Future of Business?: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences,” and “Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web.” Currently he’s ranked as one of the world’s leading sources of information when it comes to the future of business, technology, and marketing. The nice thing about this blog though is it has a personal touch the other blogs on this list are lacking. You needn’t worry about whether or not reading a blog by a single author is a good idea either because Solis has lots of experience and ability, as well as a great reputation to back him and his blog up.

Harvard Business Review Polska: Brian Solis–customer experience to nowy front walki konkurencyjnej

Harvard Business Review Polska: Brian Solis–customer experience to nowy front walki konkurencyjnej

Customer experience jest nowym frontem walki o przewagę konkurencyjną?

Dokładnie! I dlatego firmy powinny traktować go jak inwestycję. Reprezentujesz magazyn skierowany do firm, które mają dokładnie ten problem: myślą o doświadczeniu klienta jako o koszcie. Chcą sprzedawać więcej, angażując mniej środków i mniej czasu. To zrozumiałe, bo takie podejście sprawdzało się do tej pory.

Fintech Innovation: How digital transformation is being applied in Asia Pacific’s financial services markets

Fintech Innovation: How digital transformation is being applied in Asia Pacific’s financial services markets

“From mobile apps and cloud computing to social media and real-time marketing — and all of the big and small data between them — technology is advancing at an accelerated pace. At the same time, businesses struggle to keep up with technology and its impact. To effectively compete, and eventually thrive, businesses must become agile rather than reactive and customer-centric rather than presumptive,” he adds.

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