Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


EMERCE: Brian Solis– ‘Experience design voor betere branding’

EMERCE: Brian Solis– ‘Experience design voor betere branding’

“Bedrijven denken vaak dat ze de klant centraal stellen, maar in de werkelijkheid zijn het vaak de aandeelhouders. En dat is oké”, stelt Solis. “Maar de consumenten veranderen en stellen steeds hogere eisen. Bedrijven moeten nieuwe manieren zoeken om te verbinden met consumenten en waarde te creëren. Daarom moeten we human-centric zijn, om het soort ervaringen te ontwerpen dat betekenis heeft en shareable is.”

New York Post: Nobody has real friends anymore

New York Post: Nobody has real friends anymore

Brian Solis, who is interested in “digital anthropology,” said the possibility of being a so-called “bad friend” for opting to go mainly digital is something people are still adapting to.

“We are getting lazier, and so putting something on a wall is checked off as a personal interaction for most people,” he said. “But we’re learning the hard way, through experience — so there really is no answer to the ‘bad friend’ notion. It’s all user-defined.”

NATO Review: Content Wars– Daesh’s sophisticated use of communications

NATO Review: Content Wars– Daesh’s sophisticated use of communications

“Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology” — Brian Solis

Western military forces – in most cases – are in fact anti-social.

There is no real intention of engagement, no replies to comments or tweets. We busy ourselves measuring likes, comments, shares, retweets and reach but the parade of shallow vanity metrics being delivered in reports as a solid return on investment does little to measure or quantify the actual strategic effect applied. In many cases, the strategic effect is unclear or absent to begin with.

Neosperience: Key Findings From The 2016 State of Digital Transformation

Neosperience: Key Findings From The 2016 State of Digital Transformation

What comes out clearly, reading the report – based on the input of more than 500 digital transformation strategists and executives – is that “innovation has become a key priority in digital transformation efforts. This trend is rapidly gaining momentum as companies look to the startup ecosystem as a means to innovate and tap into the new expertise and talent often missing from more traditional organizations.”

ValueWalk: Digital Darwinism– Digital Disruption At Its Evolutionary Best

ValueWalk: Digital Darwinism– Digital Disruption At Its Evolutionary Best

Author and influencer Brian Solis asserts that a customer’s journey, right from searching to buying a product or service comprises of ‘micro moments’, which marketers need to cater to by deploying new tools and techniques birthed by technology that boost the chances of making their products and services discoverable. Especially since Google noticed that 90% of people who search for products or services on their smartphones initially do so without having any particular brand in mind, and 65% hunt for the most relevant information regardless of who is providing it. He uses the term ‘Digital Darwinism‘ to refer to the varying but inevitable degree of disruption brought about by technology on various businesses.

INfluencia: Rattraper l’évolution du darwinisme digital

INfluencia: Rattraper l’évolution du darwinisme digital

Comment se faire un avis dans ce lacis de plaidoiries souvent trop ethnocentrées ? En jetant déjà un coup d’œil sur les très, trop nombreuses études qui s’attardent sur la nature et l’impact de la révolution numérique en entreprise. Certaines ne sont pas très sérieuses, d’autres heureusement permettent de tracer de nouveaux chemins sur la carte qui mène à la transformation digitale. C’est le cas de l’étude nord-américaine de Brian Solis, établie pour le cabinet Altimeter du groupe Prophet.

Andy Jones, Digital Transformation Movers and Shakers

Andy Jones, Digital Transformation Movers and Shakers

Brian recently wrote about the need to let go of the past to move forward. “One of the catalysts for true innovation and even disruption is exploring not only new technology and trends, but also how people are changing in parallel,” he writes. “If you’re waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you’re on the wrong side of innovation.”

Jeelda: Top 62 Business Blogs 2016

Jeelda: Top 62 Business Blogs 2016

We finally decided to help you separate the wheat from the chaff and give you the absolute cream of the crop. Whether you are just starting your business or you are a veteran entrepreneur and needs a place to learn how you can build a company that is built to last, these business blogs give you the tip and techniques you need to get the most of your business.
Below, we present the top business blogs every entrepreneur must read

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