Brian Solis proved that his work as a blogger, keynote speaker and well-known author on topics like technology, business development, marketing, digital transformation and startup culture made him worthy of being on Avangate’s Ultimate List of eCommerce experts to follow on Twitter. In addition to being an expert in online businesses, he is also a huge social media influencer.
The Upsell: A Customer Relationship Quote by Brian Solis that ‘Will Warm Your Heart’
“In a world of technology and accidental narcissism, humanity, powered by empathy, becomes the killer app.” – Brian Solis
CSO Online: Brian Solis on protecting internet privacy
According to Brian Solis, the argument in favor of repealing the FCC’s privacy regulations applying to ISPs is flawed and misleading. Solis warns that ISPs will lose big time if they compete against one another based on user privacy.
Yahoo Finance: How former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick could actually make a comeback
Brian Solis suggested former Uber CEO Kalanick could come back after a period of time passes, “Steve Jobs, too, was not without his issues in that people felt he was incredibly harsh and blunt, and I think that’s par for the course in that all leaders have things that rub people the wrong way. No one questions that when companies are doing well. Travis is arguably someone who adds value to the company.”
Best Web Firms: Brian Solis’ Blog is an Absolute Must-Read for Entrepreneurs
Award-winning author, blogger, and keynote speaker Brian Solis has studied and shaped the effects of new technology on marketing, business, and culture. His blog is a must-read for entrepreneurs because it gives fantastic advice on customer experience, leadership, and management.
Irish Tech News: Brian Solis, Digital Anthropologist, Podcast Interview by Sam Maule
Brian Solis is a global standard bearer for the digital age. His day job is as the principal analyst at Altimeter Group focusing on digital strategy, where he focuses on the intersection points of digital and people to determine what effects social media and technology have on individuals and businesses to drive digital strategies and engagements.
CIO Talk Network Podcast: Brian Solis Speaks on Simplifying Digital Now and Next
Brian studies disruptive technology and its impact on business and society. His interview with CIO Talk explores digital transformation, customer experience and culture 2.0 and “the future of” industries, trends and behavior.
LinkedIn Sales and Marketing Solutions EMEA Blog: Brian Solis is an Amazing Marketer to Celebrate
Most marketers spend a lot of time thinking about the future. Brian, I’m convinced, actually lives there. If you want to get two steps ahead of the game, read everything he writes. Including his masterful work on Attention Is a Currency.
Forbes: Amazon’s Whole Foods Strategy – It’s Not What You Think
“We will see a renaissance in physical space and a new paradigm for online shopping that merges intelligent technologies, hyper-personalization, and seamless cross-channel engagement,” Solis says.
Destination CRM: UX Can Make Your Business Disruption-Proof
User experience design is now a C-level imperative, whether executives get it or not