Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Brian Solis’ Rally Against the Digital Pandemic Among LinkedIn’s 20 Big Ideas for 2020

Brian Solis’ Rally Against the Digital Pandemic Among LinkedIn’s 20 Big Ideas for 2020

How vital will your ability to focus be in the coming year? According to the editorial staff at LinkedIn, it will be your most important skill for 2020. “After a decade of profound change, professionals are taking stock and questioning the world we built and the values that drive us,” LinkedIn’s editorial staff notes in a piece titled 20 Big Ideas That Will Change Your World in 2020. Of those 20 ideas, the professional networking website outlines (that includes Brexit…

Brian Solis Lauded for Bringing Fresh Insight as Keynote Leadership and Innovation Speaker

Brian Solis Lauded for Bringing Fresh Insight as Keynote Leadership and Innovation Speaker

“Finding the right speaker can make or break the success of your event,” noted ReadWrite’s Brad Anderson in a piece on the Connected World and IoT media platform profiling popular keynote speakers who are leading their industries.  “Consider choosing a speaker specific to your industry for a personalized experience that will resonate with your audience,” Anderson notes in a list that named Brian Solis among 7 Keynote Leadership Speakers Bringing Fresh Insight to Their Industries. Brian Solis Brian Solis has…

5G Wireless Technology Holds ‘Possibilities No One Has Imagined,’ Solis Tells Inc.

5G Wireless Technology Holds ‘Possibilities No One Has Imagined,’ Solis Tells Inc.

Digital analyst Brian Solis put his forecasting skills to use for Inc.’s Kimberly Weisul in a piece on the future of 5G technology titled 5 Ways to Find the Next Billion-Dollar Business Idea on the Order of a Google or Netflix.  “There are possibilities no one has imagined.” Solis told Inc. “The new killer apps will build upon that,” he says, mixing elements of virtual and augmented reality in what’s known as mixed reality. On the subject of the supercharged…

Brian Solis Keynote on the Novel Economy and the Rise of Generation-N a Hit at Hotwire Rewired Global Event

Brian Solis Keynote on the Novel Economy and the Rise of Generation-N a Hit at Hotwire Rewired Global Event

Brian Solis’ global keynote at Hotwire’s Bootcamp in July 2020 was a big hit. Hotwire U.S. president Barbara Bates shared the following with Brian following the event… Thank you so much for providing the Tech Keynote at Hotwire’s Bootcamp. It was an absolute hit! Many of us are still talking about the perspective you gave on the novel economy and how refreshing your insights  are. We’ve already seen our team start to integrate your language and terminology into their own…

The Ultimate Disruption: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior

The Ultimate Disruption: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a seismic shift in consumer behavior

The first issue of CORE Magazine published by Epsilon features new research by Brian Solis on disruption, the Novel Economy and new consumerism. The Ultimate Disruption As the virus swept the globe, brands changed how they inter- acted with customers due to social distancing and stay-at- home orders. Consumer perspectives about making purchases also shifted with fluctuations in the stock market, skyrocket- ing unemployment and supply chain issues. As many people lost their jobs and those still earning a paycheck…

Digital Branding Institute Names Brian Solis One of Nine Digital Thought Leaders to Follow in 2020

Digital Branding Institute Names Brian Solis One of Nine Digital Thought Leaders to Follow in 2020

Is your organization ready for the future as technology and consumer tastes continue to change? Writing for the Digital Branding Institute, digital strategist Juntae DeLane asserts that keeping up with his list of Digital Thought Leaders to Follow in 2020 can provide daily inspiration to remain 10 steps ahead of the pack. Among the nine powerhouse thought leaders on the list is digital anthropologist Brian Solis, who DeLane lauds for his work studying disruptive technology and its effect on business,…

Brian Solis Keynote: Inspirar, conectar e estimular a criatividade. É o Festival Criativar

Brian Solis Keynote: Inspirar, conectar e estimular a criatividade. É o Festival Criativar

Evento reunirá, de 24 a 27 de setembro, de forma on-line, expoentes dos mais variados segmentos da Cultura De 24 a 27 de setembro, Santos estará no foco central da primeira edição do Festival Criativar, que acontecerá virtualmente. O evento apresentará as mentes criativas de empreendedores, artistas, criativos e pensadores do Brasil, do exterior e de Santos, nos segmentos do audiovisual, da música, design, arquitetura, games, entre outras áreas. “O Criativar vem para demonstrar o poder da criatividade e da…

Innovation, personalisation, resilience: Keys to accelerating in the novel economy

Innovation, personalisation, resilience: Keys to accelerating in the novel economy

Last week’s Salesforce Live for Retail and Consumer Goods event was packed with great advice to help consumer goods companies and retailers accelerate out of crisis and to growth. Here we’re sharing the highlights. Retail and consumer goods companies face very different challenges and opportunities at the moment, dictated by both a business’s ability to move quickly and innovate, and whether its target industries are distressed or surging. But regardless of a retail or CG brands’ current opportunities or challenges,…

DisrupTV: Brian Solis Joins Ray Wang and Vala Afshar to Explore the Rise of the Novel Economy in a Global Pandemic

DisrupTV: Brian Solis Joins Ray Wang and Vala Afshar to Explore the Rise of the Novel Economy in a Global Pandemic

When COVID-19 started to shut down the world and rock humanity to its core, the world was left without a defense mechanism or a playbook. Suddenly, everything was thrust into a “new normal” and with organizations and leaders alike scrambling to respond, to find stability, and ensure business continuity. In his research at Salesforce, Brian Solis focused on how customers (and employees) were evolving as a result of pandemic disruption and how businesses could use these real-time insights to guide…

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