Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Microsoft PR Sparks a Blogstorm of Support and Outrage

Image Credit: I just read over on Techmeme that Microsoft PR may be digging itself deeper into another potential PR fiasco. There is a blogstorm out there with dozens of bloggers, myself included, casting opinions. Many of which I don’t necessarily agree with. I had to find out for myself, so I contacted several of the privileged bloggers who already have the notebook as well as other PR leaders to discuss the topic. Welcome to Crisis Communications 2.0. Microsoft’s…

Blogger Relations – Forward Features My Latest Chapter in the Series

The latest installment of “Blogger Relations” has run over at Forward. Thanks to Erin Caldwell for publishing each chapter. The previous article discussed, “Reaching the Blogosphere – Finding Bloggers in Your Market” using tools such as Technorati, Sphere, Google’s BlogSearch, Blogpulse, Alexa, CyberAlert, BuzzMetrics, Cymfony, and Umbria. The new article explores how to identify the right bloggers for your market and how to best reach them and why they should even receive your news in the first place. Please vote…

Affluent Magazine To Run My Monthly Gadget Column

Ok, it’s definitely not CrunchGear , but it’s still a fun extension of PR2.0 and my work at FutureWorks PR. I’ve always had a passion for gadgets and new technology and have been recently featured in Entrepreneur, San Jose Business Journal, Tech Web, AP, among others over the years, for how I use technology in business. Affluent Magazine , The Authority on Lifestyle, recently asked if I would write a monthly piece to highlight the latest and greatest gadgets, so…

HotFromSiliconValley Podcast Features FutureWorks and PR 2.0

Vic Podcaster from HotFromSiliconValley invited me to a short and sweet podcast while attending the STIRR Mixer at BlueChalk in Palo Alto on Wednesday night. (Scroll down to August 10th at the Hotfromsiliconvalley site.) Vic is a great guy and one of the more popular attendees of the event. Topics included FutureWorks and the agency’s philsophies, PR2.0 the blog and my views on Web 2.0. Thanks Vic for including me on your show! Until next time.. You can hear the…

My Article on Blogger Relations Posted on Forward Moving Today

Blogging has grown to become a great “disruptor” for PR. For those who are unfamiliar with the clout many blogs carry today, it has substantially grown from random musings, personal experiences, and op eds to full blown reporting across every category you could imagine. Some have even become rock stars in their own right, with PR associates tripping over themselves trying to get their attention. Please jump to Forward for the rest of the article. Enjoy… Please vote at NewPR!…

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