Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


LinkedIn: A Free Holiday Ebook Featuring The Top 10 Influencer Posts

LinkedIn released a very clever ebook that features 10 of LinkedIn’s favorite Influencer posts (now Pulse). Per LinkedIn, “This timeless collection was hand-crafted just for you, the marketer, and we hope it will inspire, educate, and entertain just as every great piece of content should.” The ebook features… Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs and Author of “Content Rules” Joe Pulizzi, Founder of the Content Marketing Institute Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite Jonah Berger, Marketing Professor at Wharton…

Global Media Respond to Brian Solis’ Appearance at Le Web

Global Media Respond to Brian Solis’ Appearance at Le Web

Brian Solis presented his thoughts on the “Next 10 Years” at LeWeb in Paris, one Europe’s largest tech conferences. He focused on the importance of innovation that drives toward disruption…looking beyond creativity. Solis shared the characteristics of what he terms, “The Dilemma’s Innovator” to solve problems and create opportunities. French media responded well to his message. Following is a roundup of some of the coverage to come out of LeWeb. Les stars de Le Web 2013 : Brian Solis, l’innovation…

Slideshare Features Brian Solis’ LeWeb 2013 Presentation

As LeWeb™, one of Europe’s biggest tech conferences, celebrated its 10th anniversary in Paris this week, attendees and speakers took a look ahead at the next decade. What are the new trends and technology that will revolutionize the way we work and live? Who will be the new pioneers of innovation? The rising power of the consumer (both as individuals and groups), new currencies and payment systems, wearable technology and the “quantified self” were all topics discussed. Take a closer…

Pros don’t think Twitter is worth the hype, Brian Solis thinks they’re wrong

The New York Post’s Sara Ashley O’brien noticed that top financial analysts were shifting Twitter from a buy to sell rating. As she cleverly noted, “Some analysts have been quick to give Twitter the bird — but does the company deserve it?” But, digital technology analyst Brian Solis of the research company Altimeter Group sees a brighter future, provided Twitter can face its unique challenges as successfully as Facebook. Like Facebook had to do, Twitter must generate revenue with new…

The Future of Marketing: Brian Solis Q&A

Vocus hosted a webinar which discussed the Future of Business and Marketing with WTF author and Altimeter Principal Analyst Brian Solis. At the end of his presentation, Solis received more questions than he could answer live. He took the time to think through the most recurrent themes and shared his thoughts with Vocus for a follow-up article. Q: We are a computer / network system integrator. Our audience are IT managers in mid-sized corporations, with an age range of 40…

The 100 Must Follow On Twitter 2014

The 100 Must Follow On Twitter 2014

Vala Afshar just published his Top 100 “Must Follow” Twitter accounts for 2014 on Huffington Post. Brian Solis (@briansolis) joins 99 other thought leaders and market makers. According to Afshar, “These 100 Twitter account will educate you on the very latest and best business, technology and leadership practices. They will inspire you and also accelerate your personal and professional growth potential. And most importantly, these 100 accounts will generously engage with you. Better connections, better experiences.”

Brian Solis on how to improve social’s standing

Brian Solis on how to improve social’s standing

Brian Tarran interviewed Brian Solis for Research, a leading international magazine for the global market research business. The conversation spanned Solis’ views on the evolution of social business and his recent book release with Charlene Li, The Seven Success Factors of Social Business Strategy. Your business is on Facebook. You have a Twitter account set up. You even have a YouTube channel featuring a video of your CEO explaining his vision for the company. You probably think you have this…

Brian Solis on Why Yahoo Hired Katie Couric

Mashable’s Seth Fiegerman and Brian Solis exchanged thoughts on why Yahoo announced the hire of Katie Couric as its Global Anchor. Here’s a snapshot of the discussion… Brian Solis, a principal analyst with Altimeter Group who has worked with Couric, notes that the anchor has experimented in the past with creating news items targeted to specific mobile platforms, which may be part of her appeal to Yahoo. “The two are going to really play to see if they can create…

Information Week Asks Brian Solis for His 5 Top Social Media Trends For 2014

Information Week’s Kristin Burnham asked Brian Solis for his thoughts on the biggest trends for Social Media heading into 2014. According to Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, this year marked social media’s move into the mainstream. “It’s no longer passed over as a fad or something that’s going away any time soon,” he said. “Social media is now part of our fabric of society, like mobile phones and computers — it’s a staple of our everyday life.” In…

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