Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


800-CEO-READ Publishes Its 2013 Bestseller List

Each year, 800CEOREAD compiles a bestseller list each month to recognize the books they’re shipping out to businesspeople, business schools, and entrepreneurs to help spread ideas, solve problems, promote change, and inspire leadership. They’ve now compiled and collated the numbers for the entire year, giving weight to both total sales numbers and how long each book stayed on the list (and at what number) and are now happy to announce 800-CEO-READ’s bestsellers of 2013. From Values to Action: The Four…

Forbes: Must-Follow Marketing Minds On Twitter 2014

Scott Goodson assembled a list of must-follow marketing minds on Twitter. The comprehensive list was published on Forbes. The entire list is included below… • Elena Bululete ‏@aderwise • Todd Wasserman @ToddWasserman • Kent Huffman @KentHuffman • Richard Branson @richardbranson • Fast Company @FastCompany • Inc. Magazine @Inc • Leeann Leahy @Leeannorama • Adam Morgan @eatbigfish • Priya Parker @priyaparker • Maria Popova @brainpicker • Guy Kawasaki @GuyKawasaki • Seth Godin @thisissethsblog • Nilofer Merchant @nilofer • Daniel Pink @danielpink…

Solis in ‘Real Time’ for Brand Innovators at CES 2014

Brian Solis will be the guest speaker at the Brand Innovators annual International CES VIP Dinner January 6 in Las Vegas. Solis is Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, a San Mateo, CA-based firm that provides research and advice to companies challenged by technology disruptions. In addition to doing custom work, Altimeter’s website is a rich repository of studies and analysis shared freely with members of the marketing community. More details here. Altimeter Research available on SlideShare.

21 nuggets of wisdom to inspire your 2014 marketing strategy

21 nuggets of wisdom to inspire your 2014 marketing strategy

VisionCritical collected 21 insights from respected business leaders to inspire your 2014 marketing strategy. The quotes were artistically arranged and assembled as a free Slideshare download. The list includes thoughts by Marc Benioff, Jeff Bezos, Meg Whitman, Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz, Larry Page, Marissa Mayer, Sheryl Sandberg, Mark Zuckerberg, among 12 other noted business leaders. Brian Solis author of What’s the Future of Business and Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group is also featured. His quote is sourced from an inspiration…

Broadview Networks Names Best Blogs for Entrepreneurs in 2013

Broadview Networks published its list of best blogs for entrepreneurs this year. Brian Solis’s blog at explores the impact of disruptive technology on business and society to help strategists learn and grow. As a digital analyst, anthropologist and futurist, Solis takes both an analytical and philosophical approach to make difficult subjects approachable and even inspirational. As he says, technology is a constant. Innovation is now part of our everyday life. Disruption is becoming a real threat to everything and…

Forbes: 2014 Marketing Predictions With A Twist

Forbes: 2014 Marketing Predictions With A Twist

Steve Olenski just published a list of 2014 marketing predictions over at Forbes. It’s not your usual list though…he did so with a twist. The question Steve posed to his list of experts was this, “If you had to pick one song title, song lyric, movie title or movie quote that best describes where you see marketing going in 2014, what would it be and why?” Here’s Brian’s response… “This dizzy life of mine keeps hanging me up all the…

McKinsey’s Top 5 Interviews of 2013

McKinsey’s Top 5 Interviews of 2013

McKinsey just released its top 5 interviews of 2013. The list includes industry thought leaders discussing the evolution of marketing and consumer behavior. Jonathan Gordon, a McKinsey partner, talks about the future of marketing with Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group. Rob Tarkoff, president and CEO of Lithium Technologies, describes marketing’s changing view of its customers from “passive purchaser” to “consulting consumer.” McKinsey partner Brian Gregg talks about social media, Big Data and the future of retail with Nicolas…

Brian Solis on the Future of Public Relations

Despite his status as a noted author, blogger and social media expert, Brian Solis said that he never stops learning. “I’m still a student,” he said during the Oct. 27 General Session at the 2013 PRSA International Conference. And he implored attendees to keep learning as well. “Everything you think you know isn’t all you need to know. It takes a new perspective to see what the future is,” said Solis, principal analyst at the Altimeter Group. “That’s why it’s…

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