Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Customer-centricity Starts with People and Relationships

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“People buy from other people – not from companies – so solving for humans is every smart company’s primary goal.” – Dharmesh Shah, Hubspot

“If you take care of your existing customers, they will take care of your new customers.” – Jason Fried, Basecamp

“Advocacy is one of the most influential, yet underestimated forms of engagement available to brands today.” – Brian Solis, digital analyst, anthropologist, author

Visualized by @briangladstein


2 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Customer-centricity Starts with People and Relationships”

  1. Philip Sheldrake says:

    “People buy from other people – not from companies – so solving for
    human is every smart company’s primary goal.” – Dharmesh Shah, Hubspot

    People buy from people, and people buy into people. And the right mix of people is required – with the right knowledge and the right talent and the right resources and the right needs and desires – to coalesce to make great things happen. To add value. And then break away and reform when greater mutual value is possible in new combination.

    We coalesce around shared values. We build mutual understanding to enable mutual influence in the pursuit of mutual value – a process I consider fundamental to social business. So which of these groups of individuals has primacy?

    “We’re focused on building shareholder value.” / “Our people are our greatest asset.” / “The customer is at the heart of everything we do.” But hang on, can you have three No. 1 priorities?

    When we recognize the human, and when we recognize our newfound technological facilities for understanding complex systems and navigating them, I believe we can move beyond 20th Century maxims that claim the permanent primacy of one group of humans over another. In plainer language, it’s all in the mix.

  2. iconic88 says:

    Spot on! Here is something I wrote on Olivier Blanchard’s blog (author of Social Media ROI) a couple of years ago relating to these quotes Brian

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