Via Virtual Strategy Magazine Award-winning author Brian Solis to show dealers how to navigate and embrace disruptive technologies (from wearables to sharing economies) and drive better customer relationships and more sales by becoming part of the ‘disruption’. DrivingSales announced that Brian Solis, an award-winning author and globally recognized thought leader on how digital technology is transforming society and business, will keynote the sixth annual DrivingSales Executive Summit (DSES). This year’s summit will be held Sunday, October 12th, through Tuesday, October…
Folk Skal Føle (People Must Feel)!
Digital adfærd kræver ny kommunikation. Det gælder om at vække følelser, og til dét er der masser af uudnyttet digital viden at hente, sagde Brian Solis da han indtog scenen ved årets Direct Marketing Pris. Digital behavior requires new communication. The idea is to evoke emotion, and that’s a lot of untapped digital information to collect, said Brian Solis when he took to the stage at this year’s Direct Marketing Awards. Den voksende gruppe af digitale forbrugere kræver i sagens…
Future Proof the Customer Experience: Tips from Brian Solis
Vocus’ Erin Feldman published a fantastic summary of Brian Solis’ latest research report on digital transformation. The article, “Future Proof the Customer Experience: Tips from Brian Solis” shares a roadmap for strategists to take the right steps toward the future…today. Excerpt… Digital transformation is upon us, Brian Solis says, and it affects the way we behave and interact with the world. As businesses try to catch up with our ever-increasing digital behavior, they find themselves asking the question, “What would…
Brian Solis Shares the Future of Retail, Experience and Technology
Over the last few years in particular, Brian has been asked by leading retail brands and industry organizations to study and present on the future of retail As a result, Brian has studied in depth how mobile, social, and disruptive technology is affecting the in-store experience. More so, he’s observing the role of technology and its impact on the entire customer experience. He’s noting what’s gaining traction as well as those that fail and why. Additionally, Solis is also looking…
Brian Solis Keynotes Direct Marketing Prisen 2014 in Copenhagen
Credit: @TrymJohansen Brian Solis was selected to open Direct Marketing Prisen in Copenhagen. Hosted annually by Post Danmark (Post Nord), Solis shared his view on the evolving digital lifestyle and the need to change the future of marketing. “This So-Called Digital Life” Brian Solis explored the evolution of disruptive technologies and its impact on business and society. He shared how technology is changing how people communicate, connect, and share, which is veering away from how businesses market, sell, and serve….
Advertising in the Year 2020? How About Right Now?
Brian is often asked about the future of marketing, advertising, or better ways that brands can reach customers. What he isn’t asked is about how behaviors, preferences and expectations of the very people brands are trying to reach are evolving. While in Austin, RocketFuel, a company that uses artificial intelligence to make digital advertising better, asked Brian to share his views for advertising in the year 2020. Instead Brian focused on what advertisers need to do now. Citing Apple’s famous…
RocketFuel’s ADVERTISING 2020 with Porter Gale, Susan Borst, Richard Frankel and Brian Solis
Agency Do’s And Don’ts In A New Era RocketFuel presented a SXSW panel of AdTech visionaries to talk Advertising 2020, a look at current trends in the advertising industry and where it’s headed in the second half of the decade. Evolve or Die Scaling Impact With Mobile Devices MODERATOR Richard Frankel is president and co-founder of Rocket Fuel. Richard’s passion for creating successful customer-focused businesses has been honed by more than 15 years of Internet advertising experience. It’s been enhanced…
Airbnb Agrees to Give N.Y. Host Information in Tax Probe
BusinessWeek reported today on the agreement reached between Airbnb and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Christie Smythe reached out to Brian Solis for his take on the deal. Following is a synopsis including Brian’s thoughts on the subject… Airbnb Inc., the short-term home rental service for travelers, agreed to comply with a New York state probe of it and hosts who may be violating state occupancy and tax regulations. The San Francisco-based company, which charges a transaction fee to…
Brian Solis Writes the Foreword for New Text Book on the Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations
A new text book edited by two Penn State faculty members offers insights for pubic relations practitioners, scholars and students on issues such as transparency, company social media policies, corporate social responsibility and ethical frameworks for social media communication. The book Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations (2014, Routledge) has 15 chapters — all written by communications scholars from around the world. The editors are Marcia W. DiStaso, an assistant professor in the Department of Advertising/Public Relations, and…
ADZINE: Facebook wird zum Hub im sozialen Ecosystem
Von Sin (Xuan-Yen), Adzine Brian Solis ist nicht nur der Direktor der Marktforschungs- und Beratungsfirma Altimeter Group, sondern mit „Engage“ auch ein viel beachteter Buchautor zum Thema Social Media. Mit seinem neuen Buch „The Future of Business“ macht sich Solis auch über die Zukunft ganzer Geschäftsmodelle Gedanken, die sich derzeit durch Internettechnologien und vor allem durch Social Media drastisch verändern. Wir konnten Brian Solis auf der TNW Web Conference in Amsterdam treffen, wo er genau über dieses Thema referierte. Adzine: Herr Solis,…