In this episode, Retail Doctor Group welcomes Brian Solis, a global innovation evangelist from Salesforce, from the US to discuss the changes in the global retail sector, particularly shoppers’ behaviours, that are accelerated by the pandemic. Brian Solis and our CEO Brian Walker will together explore emerging concepts such as “Shopping at the edge” and how retailers can apply new technology and insights to maximize engagement at all touchpoints on the customer journey. We hope you enjoy the session.
MarketingFacts – Brian Solis (Salesforce): “Marketing kan zich heruitvinden als Customer Experience discipline”
While in Brussels, I had a very welcome opportunity to speak with Matthijs van den Broek, MarketingFacts: Innovative in Marketing, after all of these years. What a pleasure! Source: MarketingFacts In aanloop naar The Next Web 2022 (vandaag en gisteren) sprak ik met Brian Solis, keynote speaker, onderzoeker, ex-Altimeter. Een mooi weerzien, na een jaar of 12. De carrière van Solis is tot nu toe best indrukwekkend, niet alleen gezien waar hij nu staat (high-end adviseur van Marc Benioff bij…
ANA: How Do Marketers Express Digital Empathy?
via ANA Champions of Growth podcast, Matthew Schwart, host Empathy-based marketing has become a growing part of the conversation among brands and organizations looking to engage their audiences more effectively and strengthen relationships. But with an online-first marketing strategy how do companies practice so-called digital empathy? And how do you see the world through another person’s eyes via an algorithm? Brian Solis, VP-global innovation evangelist at Salesforce, refers to digital empathy as the “love language.” It’s the subject line in…
Frankwatching: 5 tech-trends met directe impact op je leven (& hoe je er gezond mee omgaat)
via Kim Pot, Frankwatching De ontwikkelingen in tech-land gaan sneller dan we kunnen bijhouden. Dat is heel spannend, want het brengt ons letterlijk verder dan ooit, en dat is niet alleen de ruimte in. Tech dringt ook onze levens, en zelfs lichamen, binnen. Het maakt het leven veelal makkelijker, productiever en creatiever, maar het is belangrijk te blijven letten op de ongezonde kanten. We moeten als mens balans zien te vinden in de omgang met tech, want voor je het…
CRYPTOGLOBE: Beyond Money-Motivated Projects – The State and Promise of web3
via Siamak Masnavi of CRYPTOGLOBE On Monday (June 13), American serial entrepreneur and technology investor Kevin Rose commented on Ethereum, Web3, and the current crypto market conditions. Rose currently works as a partner at True Ventures, where he is focused on “blockchain (NFTs, cryptocurrency, DeFi), consumer internet, and health/wellness.” He also hosts the “PROOF” and “Modern Finance” podcasts. Some of Rose’s angel investments are Twitter, Square, Foursquare, Nextdoor, Blue Bottle Coffee, and Facebook. On Monday, Rose told his over 1.6…
Social is more about sociology and psychology than it is technology
A quote I originally published circa 2007 was recently shared on Caso Cerrado on by the one and only Dra. Ana María Polo. “Social is more about sociology and psychology than it is technology.” Muchísimas gracias, Ana! 🙏
INFOSECURITY Magazine: Solving the Gen-N Security Dilemma
Via Infosecurity – Simon Wilson CTO, UK and Ireland, Aruba Networks No matter the industry you’re in, hybrid work is the talk of the town. How do you enable it? What considerations do you need to make for employees? There are a range of questions to ask, but perhaps one thing that is glanced over is how the behaviors of employees drive your hybrid strategy. Cast your mind back a year and a half; likely you were working remotely. This…
Digital transformation is more about humans than digital
At Hannover Messe, the CEO and CTO of Siemens, Cedrik Neike and Peter Koerte, explored the roles of culture, human-centered design, and leadership in effective digital transformation. At the beginning of the clip below, Neike and Koerte are presented with a quote from Brian Solis, “digital transformation is more about humans than about digital.” They then share their thoughts about why people have to be at the center of any digital transformation to be successful. In his 2014 report on digital…
Brian Solis Makes Inc. Short-List for Top Keynote Speakers
Brian Solis makes Inc.’s keynote speaker shortlist! Original article by Shama Hyder in Inc. Magazine There’s an industry out there that captures attention across all industries. The people who employ it are captivating. Their books are hard to put down. Their energy is infectious. Quite frankly, they’re hard to ignore. What am I talking about? The world of public speaking. Here are the speakers I’ve been following in 2022: Tony Robbins Gary Vee Dorie Clark Donald Miller Brian Solis: Rounding out the…
The New Future of Work and the Importance of Self-Care, Well-Being, and Digital Wellness
SO SO SO EXCITED… In remote and hybrid work, we’re getting things done in new ways and reinventing the #FutureofWork at every step. We are also learning about our needs, to be not only productive, but also what we need to do differently to be happy, successful, and well. Now more than ever, we need to learn and practice new forms of self-care, well-being, and digital wellness as digital will only become more pervasive (and sometimes invasive) in our…