Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Digital Business: Creating Amazing Customer Experiences

via Michael Wilson, Digital Business Transformation, Excerpt You have a passion for the customer. You know that improving the customer experience will make a difference. That is all well and good. Maybe the CEO agrees or maybe they have some other items on their agenda. You get a shot at making the case to improve the customer experience. You will probably have 5 to 10 minutes to make your case. How will you frame your message? What is important to…

1to1 Media: 5 Ways to Transform the Customer Service Experience

Judith Aquino writing for 1to1 tackled the ways businesses need to rethink the customer experience. In her story, she features thoughts by Brian Solis and highlights the need for businesses to measure the experiences people have and share compared to the brand and product promise. He notes that there’s always a divide and to what extent is ours to fix. Excerpt: When it comes to measuring the customer experience, companies may want to consider including the value of a shared…

TheNextWeb Revists Brian Solis Amsterdam Keynote on Digital Disruption

Via TNW No one will remember your failures, but everyone will remember your success. Digital marketing analyst Brian Solis thinks we are living in very disruptive time and this is the time to change the future. Digital disruption is happening to us and it is happening because of us. Brian says that the rules are there to be broken because it isn’t the past that can hold us back. It’s the future and how we undermine it today. We’ve just…

DMNews: 8 Digital Transformation Tips

Elyse Dupre of DMNews attended Brian Solis’ keynote presentation at the ONE Teradata Marketing Festival in Las Vegas. Dupre found the content compelling enough to translate it into a useful, playbook style article, “8 Digital Transformation Tips.” Reprint of the article is below… Innovation takes more than just technology; it takes people. Consumer behavior is constantly evolving. According to a 2014 Altimeter Group report, mobile, social, and real-time technology trends (or what venture capitalist Fred Wilson refers to as the…

SmartCompany: Seven tips to digitally transform your business

by Cara Waters, SmartCompany (original article) We are in the era of digital transformation, according to Brian Solis, business strategist and futurist at Altimeter. Speaking at NetSuite’s SuiteWorld conference in San Jose yesterday Solis outlined how businesses can undertake digital transformation. 1. Put humans first Solis says too many businesses approach digital transformation from a technology perspective. But humans are at the heart of digital transformation, according to Solis. “At the end of the day it’s all about human beings…

Adobe Summit: entre techno et «human API»

Chaque année, l’événement Adobe Summit réunit à Londres les acteurs du marketing digital. En 2014, le thème fort était centré sur la transformation digitale des entreprises. Cette année, c’est la concrétisation et l’intégration des différentes solutions, notamment mobiles, qui ont été débattues. Reportage et interview de Brian Solis (Altimeter Group), Pierre Casanova (DG d’Adobe France), Minter Dial (Netexplo). Brian appears at 3:25. Adobe Summit: entre techno et Human API by frenchweb

Brian Solis to Keynote Digital Marketing One to One in Biarritz, France

Brian Solis to Keynote Digital Marketing One to One in Biarritz, France

18H15 – 19H15 : Plénière Cycle  “Be inspired 2/3: Engager”  avec Brian SOLIS, analyst chez Altimeter Group Le futur du Marketing n’est pas le Marketing Brian Solis est l’un des experts mondiaux les plus éminents dans le domaine des médias sociaux, des marques et de l’influence. Analyste numérique, futurologue, il est classé parmi le top 10 des marketing gurus a suivre, suivi par des millions de personnes sur Twitter et au travers de son blog. Il nous fait l’honneur de venir partager avec…

t3n Digital Pioneers: „Ein Tesla ist das perfekte Produkt“: Brian Solis zur Zukunft des Marketings

t3n Digital Pioneers: „Ein Tesla ist das perfekte Produkt“: Brian Solis zur Zukunft des Marketings

by Lea Weitekamp, t3n (original) Er ist einer der einflussreichsten Digitalanalysten der Welt: Mit seinen Büchern „Engage!“ und „The End of Business As Usual“ hat Brian Solis Unternehmen die Augen dafür geöffnet, wie soziale Medien die Kundenbeziehung revolutionieren und das Marketing verändern. Bis heute erforscht er die Auswirkungen disruptiver Technologien auf unser Leben und unsere Arbeit – in Sachen Social Media ist seine Euphorie allerdings deutlich abgekühlt. Wir haben ihn in Paris getroffen. t3n Magazin: In deinem neuen Buch hast…

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