Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Brian Solis to Keynote iMedia Brand Summit

Brian Solis to Keynote iMedia Brand Summit

Brian Solis, Author of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design as Day 2 Keynote The Future of Brand is Experience Brands need to be experienced in order to thrive. Customers are too smart, connected, and empowered to fall for everyday marketing and gimmicks. They want experiences. They want engagement. They want value. It’s time to meet the new customer and explore how to design experiences that build produce results and build relationships. Bio Brian Solis is a principal analyst…

Inc.: 16 Top Marketing Blogs and Publications You Need to Be Following

Inc.: 16 Top Marketing Blogs and Publications You Need to Be Following

By Travis Wright, Inc., Excerpt The marketing industry must constantly evolve alongside the audiences it attempts to reach. Cutting-edge is adequate, and everything else falls by the wayside. I’ve often said that the one main secret to my success is my possession of an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and curiosity. Without that, it’s hard to stay relevant in a space that changes so rapidly. That being said, where can marketers go to learn from influencers within the industry? 16. Brian Solis…

Seneca Globe: Twitter Pre-Down As Results Could Be Much Larger Than Predictable-Xerox Corporation

Seneca Globe: Twitter Pre-Down As Results Could Be Much Larger Than Predictable-Xerox Corporation

Via David Andrews, Seneca Globe, Excerpt Twitter, Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) [Detail Analytic Report] plunged over 3.7% during Tuesday before Twitter Inc. releases earnings on Wednesday, income could be much larger than predictable, based on the mobile ad growth trend that propelled Facebook Inc. (FB) and Google (GOOGL) to earnings beats. However, even if Twitter does surprise with big mobile-ad sales, most investors in beleaguered San Francisco-social media firm won’t care. The Street has been much more focused on Twitter’s user growth…

Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Customizing the customer experience

via Hewlett Packard Enterprise In this edition of HPE Business Insights Studio, John Jeremiah, head of the Software Digital Research Team at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, sits down with Brian Solis, digital marketing analyst and author of X: The Experience When Business Meets Design, and Theo Priestley, an independent technology evangelist. Customer experience can be a distinguishing factor between a one-time buyer and a lifelong brand advocate. In this episode we discuss user experience in the enterprise and how delivering an exceptional customer experience can…


Brian Solis à LIFT via COMINMAG.CH L’agence Emakina a invité pour la seconde fois le célèbre spécialiste en digital Brian Solis à l’occasion de la conférence Lift qui se tient ces jours à Genève. Que ce soit dans la discussion en petit comité organisée par l’agence ou sur la grande scène, Brian Solis a mis en avant l’expérience client. Le web 2.0 a profondément changé la relation entre le public et les marques. S’il n’est plus besoin d’expliquer l’utilité des plateformes collaboratives, un long chemin reste toutefois à faire car…

BizBash: How to Thank Speakers in Ways They’ll Really Appreciate

By Mitra Sorrels, BizBash (Excerpt) Guest speakers and experts are an important element of conferences, fund-raisers, and other events. Their reputation and name recognition can be big selling points in pre-event marketing, and their performance at the event can make—or break—the attendees’ experience. It’s not uncommon for planners to give their presenters gifts or upgrades as a way to say thanks (beyond the contracted speaking fee, of course). But is that necessary? We asked several prominent speakers to share their preferred…

MarketWatch: Twitter revenue could go big, but Wall Street won’t care

via Therese Poletti, MarketWatch Excerpt… When Twitter Inc. reports earnings on Wednesday, revenue could be much larger than expected, based on the mobile ad growth trend that propelled Facebook Inc. and Google to earnings beats. But even if Twitter does surprise with big mobile-ad sales, most investors in the beleaguered San Francisco-social media company won’t care. Wall Street has been much more focused on Twitter’s user growth as the key barometer to its future, not revenue growth. For the last…

10 of the Best CX Resources Online

10 of the Best CX Resources Online

Posted by Matan Magril, LivePerson Today we’re all about the customer experience — aka, CX. We want to buy from brands we believe in. Whether it’s online or in person, we want a meaningful brand promise and connection. We want the experience to match our ideal perception of the brand to vindicate a purchase and extend brand loyalty. As professionals charged with delivering on brand promise and experience, we feel more pressure than ever to meet and exceed consumer expectations….

Prezly: Guide to Influencer Marketing Featuring Brian Solis

Prezly: Guide to Influencer Marketing Featuring Brian Solis

  by Prezly The phrase Influencer Marketing is cropping up more often than ever. The concept of creating relationships with those who have the ability, authority or platform to influence a certain audience has evolved wildly over the last ten years. When scouring the web we saw plenty of experts and information out there, but nobody had joined the dots. It was like seeing all the ingredients to bake an incredible cake but nobody had put it in the oven….

t3n: Die größten Online-Marketing-Trends 2016

t3n: Die größten Online-Marketing-Trends 2016

via t3n Was sind die Online-Marketing-Trends 2016? Diese Fragen haben wir 15 Experten gestellt, darunter Mitch Joel, Meike Leopold und Marcus Tandler. Ihre Antworten fasst dieser Artikel zusammen. „Strategy first, Trends later“ war das Schlusswort der Online-Marketing-Trends 2015. Auch 2016 betonten diesen Punkt einige der von uns befragten Experten mit Hinweis auf die Basics guten Marketings: die Strategie. Brian Solis fordert Blick aufs große Ganze, die „Customer Journey“ Diese Bedeutung der kanalübergreifenden Kommunikation leitet Brian Solis , Principal Analyst der Altimeter Group  und mehrfacher Buchautor , gleich…

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