Robert Scoble recently asked whether or not Facebook may represent a new kind of press release. Let me answer this for you. No. Facebook is not the next template for press releases, no more than Pownce, Twitter, and Jaiku collectively represent the replacement for traditional wire services. I know he wasn’t serious about it becoming the next template for a press release, but what he is saying is loud and clear, and you should pay attention. Reading between the lines,…
Social Media Releases – Everything You Ever Wanted to (or Should) Know
The social media news release is rallying support. And more importantly, examples and discussions of usage are percolating throughout the blogsphere among PR practitioners and bloggers alike. It’s no longer a matter of if, nor when, but now a matter of practice and evolution in order to determine success and failure. As a recap, the Social Media Release has been pushed by many influencers, including Tom Foremski’s public outcry for the death of crappy press releases; Todd Defren who offered…
New Media Meets Old Media – Blogger & Podcaster Magazine Debuts
In an interesting twist of media, bloggers and podcasters now have something to read when wifi or EVDO is unavailable. Blogger & Podcaster is the first monthly business print and online magazine written “exclusively for serious bloggers and podcasters.” The premier issue features Robert Scoble discussing his foray into video podcasting. Read the first issue online here. The format is very rich and unique. I actually read through the issue, cover to cover. “blogger & podcast magazine” blogger&podcast magazine blogger…
Twitter is real-time “anywhere” messaging and networking
twitter is the message heard around the world – so to speak or so to read. It’s an incredible phenomenon that is spreading faster than online parodies of Snakes on a M F Plane…and in my opinion, it has to be the fastest growing social tool out there right now. It’s everywhere, anywhere messaging so that you can stay in touch with friends, fans, stalkers, and associates whether on the Web, instant messaging, or through text messaging. Each update is…
Media 2.0 Workgroup Forms – Joining the Conversation
Web2.0 has a workgroup, and now those dedicated to advancing the world of democratized media, now have the Media 2.0 Workgroup. The Workgroup is a collection of shared voices in the New Media landscape. You can subscribe via one feed or grab the OPML. “The Media 2.0 Workgroup is a group of industry commentators, agitators and innovators who believe that the phenomena of democratic participation will change the face of media creation, distribution and consumption. Join the conversation…” – Chris…
Attention Traditional PR, Step Away from the Social Media Release – aka hRelease
I came across a post that really smacked me in the face with a stinging sense of reality. You can’t help everyone grow; only those that realize they can. We just have to do a better job of reaching everyone else to help lay a more informative foundation for people to cause change. Regarding the Social Media Release, it’s not social media. The Social Media Press Release still adheres to the antiquated notion that public relations means appealing to the…
Introducing Office 2.0OLS
Last year, at Ismael Ghalimi’s Office 2.0 Conference in San Francisco, I was more than encouraged about the future of shifting from a traditional PC/server software-based architecture to an anywhere, anytime Web-based collaborative office. 2007 is the new 1984 – meaning Office 2.0 applications represent to consumers what Apple meant to PC users over 20 years ago. While there were some clear leaders, usable applications, and more importantly, promise, the greater story lies in just how realistic it is to…
PR in the Long Tail
In hispost, “Long Tail PR: how to do publicity without a press release (or the press),” ChrisAnderson asks “But what of the Long Tail of media–all those new influentials, from the micromedia of Techcrunch and Gizmodo to individual bloggers? And the social news aggregators like Digg and our own Reddit? They’re where the most powerful sort of marketing–word of mouth–starts, but most of them don’t want to hear from a PR person at all.” Exactly. Who wants to hear from…
Traditional Media Has a Voice on New Media Releases
In its post, “Blog Firestorm Erupts about PR and Social Media Releases,” industry PR trade, Bulldog Reporter, captures the essence of the discussion (at the pre-interpretation level). At least they’re paying attention – which means that we’re starting to bring everyone else to the table in order to raise the stakes in the game of PR. “The podcast of the event has a wealth of information about media shifts, insights into what journalists really want from PR and how to…
Thank You for Bringing Attention to the Need for Change
The conversation regarding the need for evolution in PR still rages on (with the SMR aka hrelease at the center of the controversy.) Some bloggers “get it,” others are forcing us to do a better job explaining what we’re actually doing, while some (and the people who read their blogs) completely miss the point. If anything, this conversation demonstrates why the blogosphere (and most importantly, people) will chew-up and spit-out traditional PR and corporate marketing types – without thinking twice….