Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

New Media University

You’re Invited – Women 2.0 Party Today

Come join the women from Women 2.0 for a summer’s-end pool party co-hosted with the boys at Meetro. This is an event for Women 2.0 enthusiasts interested in business, technology, and entrepreneurship – who want to hang out, chat about their ideas, and meet new people while getting some sunshine and drinks! Photo credit: miss_rogue Host: Women 2.0 & Meetro Location: Women 2.0 Clubhouse w/ Pool 235 Bernardo Street, Sunnyvale, CA View Map When: Saturday, August 26, 1:00pm Phone: (510)…

Dead 2.0 Runs Killer Article – Should VCs fund bloggers’ wet dreams?

Skeptic over at Dead “Twenty” – inside joke– ran an impressive post today regarding the ideas, benefits, and consequences of blogs taking VC funding. I’ll run a few excerpts, but make sure to jump over there and read the full article. He starts by asking, “So the question is, can bloggers successfully build businesses that are worth funding?” Then continues, “An even better question is: why raise the money?” His post explores the market as well as high profile funded…

Reaching the Blogosphere Part Duex – working with enthusiasts to attract customers

My article…Part 2 of who-knows-how-many in a series to help up-and-coming PR professionals (and those verterans who are wondering when the hell blogs became part of the PR mix) just ran on Forward Moving. “Blogger relations is an important addition to a PR program because enthusiast bloggers within a given community/market can strongly influence consumer behavior. According to Technorati, it is tracking more than 51.5 million blogs, of which, many are speaking to and advising your customers on their next…

Lifebits, the Future of Personal Content Sharing?

A friend of mine let me know about his latest venture. Alex Limberis is the CEO of a new Silicon Valley startup, Lifebits. Lifebits is a personal content sharing service that makes it easier for the average consumer to capture, catalog and share their digital memories. Alex and company are genuinely excited about this service and it will formally launch within the next couple of months. Lifebits aims to solve real problems for real consumer that capture a lot of…

China Opens Halfway House for Internet Addicts

Reuters ran an interesting story this morning. Mainland China opened its first halfway house for Internet addicts, which offers teenagers counseling, books — and the use of computers???? The shelter can hold four minors for one-night stays, which is intended to provide a sanctuary between them and their parents. Since online gaming has exploded in China over the years, an estimated 14 million people have jumped in to feverishly accelerate the growth. Even with a halfway house, it’s simply no…

Travelers Take Flight to World Wikia – a Free, Editable Travel Directory

Gil Penchina of Wikia just gave me a heads up on their latest announcement. Travellers and contributors to its recently launched World Wikia project have already compiled over 1,000 original articles in less than one month. For those unfamiliar with the launch, World Wikia is a free, fully editable worldwide guide of places to go and things to do. The home page for World Wikia greats visitors, “Welcome to World Wikia a free travel directory that you can edit.” It…

Web 2.0 Bullsh**t Generator

Alright, while we’re at it…guess who holds the number one spot on Blogpulse? Nope, not TechCrunch, it’s the The Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator™ brought to you by According to the homepage, “The web is getting hot and sweaty again, and the dollars are flying almost as fast as the bullshit.” That statement couldn’t be more accurate. As someone working in PR and writing for this site, you have no idea how many of these verbs, adjectives, and market disruptors…

Laughing Squid – The Valleywag / TechCrunch Peace Accord

Photo credit: Scott Beale Thank you to Scott Beale of Laughing Squid for the TechCrunch7 reference earlier… From Laughing Squid: “Monkey Notions has made an excellent video about the Valleywag / TechCrunch Peace Accord using my photo of the now famous, less-than-enthusiastic handshake between Nick Douglas of Valleywag and Michael Arrington at the TechCrunch 7 Party.” Quoting Brian Solis on Flickr: TechCrunch7 Party $100,000 Open Bar $50,000 Picture of Mike and Nick shaking hands, Priceless… Tags: nick douglas, valleywag, techcrunch,…

Frank Quattrone – The Rise, The Fall, The Rise 2.0?

Photo credit: AP via SFGate Finally, some closure is this case which has spanned years, two separate trials and millions of tax-payer dollars… According to the Associated Press, former investment banker Frank Quattrone reached a deal today that eliminates the need for third trial and more importantly, allows his criminal case to be dismissed. Also, NASD – back in June – dismissed all charges against Quattrone. You may remember the details of the case, but if not, Quattrone joined Credit…

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