Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

New Media University

The SiliconValley and SF NewTech September Meetups

I will be attending both NewTech meetups this week. Stop by and say hello! Silicon Valley Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 7:00 PM Presenters include: Video Egg – Video publishing over easy! [Joe Hurd] Boompa – Your garage online! [Ethan Lance and Dave Snider] Zazzle – Buy, sell and create custom products [Jeff Beaver] San Francisco Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 7:00 PM Yousendit – Khalid Shaikh on how to send BIG email files with ease. Civic Evolution – Brian Sullivan on…

VentureBeat Launches, Crashes, and Emerges as the Valley’s Newest, Must-Read Blog

What a last couple of days….sorry to report on this so late, but, as always, you will get one helluva a report! For all of you SiliconBeat readers, you may have found this message… And for you others, you may have read at SiliconBeat, Valleywag, Stowe Boyd’s Message, among many others…VentureBeat recently launched, and then crashed amidst the linking frenzy that ensued…but has emerged as a bonafide resource for Venture-related deals and companies worth tracking in and around Silicon Valley….

Six Degrees of Social Media

Today I spent my day at the SocialMediaClub HQ working on the official announcement for the working group dedicated to developing a new, social media aware standard for press releases. This is exciting stuff and I really believe that this is the sign of many new things to come that will (and already is) fundementally changing the PR industry and its targets. Some of the most influential, smart, and visionary people are already on board, including: Chris Heuer, Social Media…

Livermore 25th Annual Harvest Wine Celebration

For those of you not going to Burning Man or spending the long weekend catching up on blog posts, consider heading up to wine country this holiday weekend. No, not that that wine country, the other one. I can’t even say that, there are way too many wine country regions around here, so I better be a bit more specific. Livermore Valley is hosting its annual Harvest Wine Celebration, and this one appears to be the grandest yet. Labor Day…

YouSendIt – IGetIt – An easy way to send large files online

Last month at STIRR, I was introduced to YouSendIt, “the leader in file delivery.” It’s an interesting service that allows anyone to send large files, securely, to contacts through email, bypassing any filters or limits set in place by admins on other side of the firewall. For a couple of years, I’ve used a similar service from Dropload – basically, when I needed to send files in excess of 5-10MB. According to Dropload’s site, it is a place for you…

TechCrunch Hits 100k

I wrote that headline and realized that readers could interpret it as either monthly revenue or subscribers. Well, according to Feedburner, TechCrunch hit 100k readers right on the money – literally. And, take a look at Technorati’s numbers…Techcrunch, Rank: 8 (43,393 links from 12,110 blogs). While the number may read 100k, I believe that TechCrunch has had a much bigger impact than Feedburner or Technorati numbers can represent here. Let’s not talk about the accuracy or relevance of Web 2.0,…

WifiTastic – Look Out Fon and the rest of you Fon’eros!

With all of the hype and buzz around free WiFi and big investments in companies trying to bring free connectivity to a neighborood near you, including venture-funded Fon, Google’s new service for Mountain View residents and employees and Wireless Silicon Valley…one company is taking a different approach. They are making Wifi earn money for you! Founded by David Sidrane and Rob Harding, WifiTastic officially introduced its public BETA program recently. Unlike the others, WifiTastic enables any broadband subscriber to create…

Amanda Congdon is Popurl’ar Again

(c) Amanda Congdon I stopped by Amanda’s place over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised to read her latest post. According to Congdon, “I’m SOOOOOOOOOOO Popurl!!!! Wow!! My popurls collaboration is getting quite the attention.” And according to the Popurl blog, “pop goes the url again! I’m announcing the cooperation with amanda congdon. launching in september she will remix the best urls from popurls every weekday in her own little box right on popurls.” Cool. Amanda then continued in her…

This just in: Rocketboom Gets a New Map

Well today, after much fanfare, ok not really, Rocketboom 2.0 introduced its new “map” and a not- so-flattering hair style for Joanne Colan (sorry Joanne). After spending all of two seconds on the subject, they moved on to discuss Pluto and jumped to an on-the-scene report that captured the landmark vote that stripped it of its planetary status. For the record, Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, which now makes Mercury the smallest planet in our galaxy. The most…

New Media Release NMRCast #6

I joined Chris Heuer and Shel Holtz for the latest edition of the NMRCast (New Media Release) for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. NMRCast #6 – Business Wire Joins the Group is available online here. Content summary: Just a brief update about the status of the working group, Chris’s efforts to attend the XPRL working group meeting in London, and Business Wire’s involvement. Participants: Chris Heuer, Brian Solis, Shel Holtz. In This Edition: New Media Release wiki Google…

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