I joined Chris Heuer and Shel Holtz for the latest edition of the NMRCast for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. NMRCast #8 is available online here. Participants: Chris Heuer, Brian Solis, Shel Holtz. Content summary: Chris provides an update of the working group’s progress. We discuss the role of tags in the social media release. A discussion of Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz’s letter to the SEC seeking approval for blogs to serve as a channel for material…
Office 2.0 Conference Showcases the Future of Office Productivity
Office 2.0 is much more than a new way of enhancing in-office productivity and it’s definitely much more than highlighting current state of “everything 2.0” out there. It is a significant milestone and testament to the state of the net, programming, an understanding of collaborative workflow, and an advanced way of seeking a way to simplify, streamline, enhance collaboration, and reduce the costs associated with day-to-day business. Enter Ismael Ghalimi and ITRedux. Ismael Ghalimi, CEO, Intalio Per his own words,…
October 2006 Lunch 2.0
Written by Alison McNeill Friday afternoon I attended the Lunch 2.0 luncheon, but it was actually more of a “linner” since it began at 4 p.m., at oDesk’s headquarters in Menlo Park. The atmosphere was much friendlier than that of some of the other events I’ve attended, as the oDesk staff was very eager to answer questions and give demos. There was pizza and beer, as any good linner should have, as well as a few familiar faces. I also…
Practical Matters – The Evolution of Social Media Press Release
Todd Defren, principal of SHIFT and blogger at PR-Squared Thanks to Todd Defren over at PR-Squared for writing an in-depth post regarding, “The Evolution of Social Media Press Release Distribution and Technorati Tags.” It truly takes a social effort to enable social media. Tags: todd+defren, pr2.0, pr+2.0, socialmedia, social+media, smpr, pr, publicrelations, public+relations, briansolis, technorati, tags, socialmediaclub, socialmediarelease
1 Afternoon, 2 Understand Social Media – Palo Alto, 10/23
When I heard that Chris Heuer, Tom Foremski, and Giovanni Rodriguez wanted to put together a local event to help communications professionals “get” social media, I had to jump in. Like a group of banditos, we’re all out there running around trying to share the knowledge and benefits of social media and help escalate the overall value and perception of corporate communications in a web-driven world. Aside from individual blogs, clubs, working groups, and soapboxing, the team has organized an…
Listed Over at Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog
Many thanks to Lee Odden over at Top Rank Online Marketing for listing a couple of my articles in his guide to Blogger Relations 101. It’s a great post and definitely worth reading. I’ve been writing a series that explores how to target, reach and measure blogger relations over at Forward Moving. I’m already at article #4, out of maybe 5 or 6. Truth is that it could be a book, but really, it doesn’t need to be. I hope…
October 2006 San Francisco NewTech Meetup
Organized by Joel Sacks, CNET and Marketing Strategist at BuzzShout, and Myles Weissleder, VP of Communications for Meetup, SF NewTech Meetup celebrated it’s six month anniversary or sixth month-versary and a new milestone of 500 members. Hosted at CNET, SF Newtech attracts startups, service providers, and entrepreneurs to network, forge alliances, and potentially mash up. This month’s event was sponsored by PR for emerging companies Wines Jacobs & Ferraro LLC, a law firm specializing in helping established and start-up tech…
Web 2.0 Logo Color Palette for Photoshop
Proof that if good or interesting news sits out on the web long enough, it will make it’s way to the forefront eventually. A piece that ran in February 2006 over at Miles’ Blog » The Web 2.0 Secret Weapon, is on the Digg front page today. Basically Miles created a color palatte or swatch if you will that breaks out varying levels of colors by Web 2.0 companies. It’s almost like fusing Web 2.0 with Pantone. Now SwissMiss revisited…
The Evolution of Social Media Press Release Distribution and Technorati Tags
As the future of Social Media Press Releases takes shape, it will take a community effort to keep it on track as well as encouraging mass adoption. As part of the Social Media Club along with Chris Heuer and many others, I’m surrounded by industry visionaries who are pushing the movement forward, while also broadening the overall industry opportunity for Social Media in online public relations. We’ve also recently formed a Working Group to help establish an industry standard for…
October 2006 Silicon Valley NewTech Meetup
While Alison McNeill attended the del.icio.us Birthday Bash, I co-hosted the Silicon Valley NewTech Meetup with Keith Vu, while Vincent Lauria was traveling to NY. Keith Vu Exciting indeed as it was definitely one of the largest events to date. There were some familiar faces and it was great to see new attendees as well. At over 600 current members, the monthly event is showing only signs of tremendous growth – which may require a new, bigger venue soon. Brian…